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  1. D

    does anyone know what a baby dwarf gourami........

    Not sure what you are looking for, but when they are first born they look like a comma...........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :D
  2. D

    Where can I get some beneficial bacteria...?

    What about 'BacterLife'? It should help. Bacterlife is a blend of those essential nitrifying and sludge digesting bacteria which are vital in all filtration systems. These helpful bacteria aid the breakdown of fish waste, uneaten food and plant debris and help to render them harmless.
  3. D

    Lazzy male platie

    Have you tried feeding them some live food like bloodworm? This can sometimes encourage them to start breeding. Try to look at the female platy from the front because you will then be able to tell how fat she is, they get a somewhat pear-shape when they are heavily pregnant. Good luck. :thumbs:
  4. D

    Wont get pregnant

    Some more info might help to solve this puzzle........... What temperature is your tank? How many males/females do you have? What other fish are in the tank? What do you feed them? :unsure: :dunno:
  5. D

    guppy/molly hybrids

    I found that picture on the net but it was just labelled 'MOLLY'?? :dunno:
  6. D

    2 male guppies.. together?

    I meant for a 10gal tank, I think a 10gal is probably about 2ft? The larger types of gourami need at least a 3ft tank. She could possibly put a couple of honeys in a 5gal but if you want a better informed opinion put a post on the gourami thread.
  7. D

    2 male guppies.. together?

    I think a three spot gourami would be too big for her tank anyway, have you considered suggesting honey gouramis? They are much smaller, very pretty and not at all aggressive. Or maybe dwarf gourami, they're very colourful. :thumbs:
  8. D


    :cool: Congratulations on your first males. How old are they?
  9. D

    Panic!! Unexpected fry!!!

    A stack of pebbles would be a good idea or a piece of slate, cleaned of course and soaked in some boiling water first. They will hide under these. :thumbs:
  10. D


    Wag or wag-tail just means the platy has a black tail. :thumbs:
  11. D

    Changing the water with fry?

    If you are going to change a large pecentage of water then treat the tank with 'BACTERLIFE', this should help replace the 'good bacteria' which breaks down uneaten food and fish waste.
  12. D

    How old are they?

    4cm? 1.7inch? Seems pretty big to me, not far off full grown for some sword tails.
  13. D

    New here

    :hi: to the forum. :)
  14. D

    hello everyone

    :hi: to the forum. :)
  15. D

    Hi im paul

    :hi: to the forum. :)
  16. D

    Hi to everyone

    :hi: to the forum. :)
  17. D

    Hi! New here.

    :hi: to the forum. :)
  18. D

    What Up

    :hi: to the forum. :)
  19. D

    Platys wont breed!

    Keep a close eye on your female platys gravid patch and belly size to see if they are actually getting pregnant, if they remain the same size for 4-6 weeks then they are not breeding, otherwise the fry are getting eaten.
  20. D

    Just sayin hi

    :hi: to the forum. :)
  21. D

    Almost there

    I don't know about mollies but platys sometimes 'appear' thinner because the babies have moved and tend to sit higher in the belly, they are not necessarily thinner it just appears that way when you look a them from the front. I know it sounds odd but they have a pear shape earlier on which...
  22. D

    pregnant platy but how long?

    These shouldn't be too much of a problem, the platys may eat some of the fry but the fry are very quick and most should escape them. Many platys and guppies will see a baby fish go to eat it and then realise that it is another fish so leave it alone, (many of mine do anyway). Do try to catch...
  23. D

    pregnant platy but how long?

    By 'pear shaped' I mean that when you look from the front she is fatter at the bottom of her belly than the top, (like a horse shoe), guppies are completely different though. If you already have fry in your net then it is a risk, other than get another net I would say leave her in the tank. If...
  24. D

    my platy's growing whiskers?

    The fatter he is the slower he'll swim!!!!! He won't be quick enough to chase your female platy if you decide to put him back in the other tank!! :rofl: The reason I said to keep on feeding him flakes is that he may need the nourishment as the pellets will comprise of different ingredients...
  25. D

    Are Cory's trully tropical

    I have checked in my 'BAENSCH Aquarium Atlas' for the prefered water temperature-: Corydoras........72-79*F Gyppies.........64-82*F
  26. D

    First Post/ Molly landlord

    I don't use stress coat myself, however it does remove the chlorine from tap water but you need to use a water conditioner as well to remove heavy metals from all of the water you put into your tank. Stress coat does have other benefits too and I think it is probably a good idea to use it. I...
  27. D

    my platy's growing whiskers?

    My platys always try to eat the pellets I put in for the corries!! They chase them all the way to the bottom of the tank. lol I usually feed the corries after I switch off the light at night so the platys don't see where they all go!! It won’t do him any harm but I would still feed him flakes.
  28. D

    new guy

    :hi: to the forum. :)
  29. D


    :hi: to the forum. :)
  30. D


    :hi: to the forum. :)
  31. D

    New Honey Gouramis

    They look like red honeys, but I'm no expert.
  32. D

    Are Cory's trully tropical

    Guppies should be fine but remember to reduce the temperature slowly also they will not breed at this temperature.
  33. D

    my first fry!!!

    Finley ground flakes should be fine, feed them little and often, also the water doesn't flow well through a fry net so try to make sure it is kept fresh as the water will get dirty fast with such small ground food and waste. Good luck. :thumbs:
  34. D

    pregnant platy but how long?

    When platys are close to giving birth if you look at them from the front you will see that they are pear shaped, usually a day or two before the fry are born they don't have that shape anymore (I suppose the fry are moving ready for birth), and therefore look a little thinner. If it is her...
  35. D

    Weird Swordies

    I don't know if I'm aloud to post links to other sites but I guess I'll soon find out!!! I've never seen one myself though. :unsure:
  36. D

    I've got guppyfry but how do i make a fry net?????

    I found this one..................................................................... ...............................
  37. D

    I've got guppyfry but how do i make a fry net?????

    Have you looked at the 'DO IT YOURSELF' threads? There might be some ideas on there if you can't get to the fish shop. Good luck. :thumbs:
  38. D

    The Bad Molly Struck Again

    He could be a sword tail, platy's usually have deeper bodies than sword tails, or maybe he's a crossbreed. Hope it all works out with the molly. :thumbs: