The Bad Molly Struck Again


Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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A few days ago, our dalmation Molly terrorized our male swordtail to death. I put her in a breeding hut for a day or so, and then put her back in.

Well, now she has done the same to his mate, the female redvelvet swordy.

With those two gone, she is spending extra time chasing her male Sailfin Molly around. But a strange thing has happened! Since she killed the swordy couple, she is still persuing the sailfin like mad, but they are MATING like CRAZY! I don't know maybe she found the other couple irritating or a threat - but whatever it is she is sex-crazed lol. And definitely the aggressor.

Since it seems ok between her and the sailfin even though she is still chasing, I am going to leave her for now. She leaves the danios alone, and the silver lyre tail molly, as well as the little male platy.

I think the male platy is actually a sword tho, he seems to now be developing a sword on his tail. Is it possible? He is rather small about the size of an adult danio maybe a little smaller.

The male sailfin ingores the silver lyretail molly completely (she is also small, like an adult danio), she hangs with the danios.
fawnmodel said:
I think the male platy is actually a sword tho, he seems to now be developing a sword on his tail. Is it possible? He is rather small about the size of an adult danio maybe a little smaller.
He could be a sword tail, platy's usually have deeper bodies than sword tails, or maybe he's a crossbreed.

Hope it all works out with the molly. :thumbs:
Yeah I read your thread about the killer molly. I find her very odd. If it were me I would like.. punish her, lol. because I get so upset when my fish get messed.

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