guppy/molly hybrids


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Alright, since it has been established that guppys and mollys can indeed cross breed (proveing me wrong), i have done some research that backs that fact up, but i have yet to see a photo of one of these guppy/molly hybrids, does anyone have these fish and can take me a picture, or maybe know where i can find a pic online, im not haveing much luck -_- im just interested because id like to possible introduce a molly into the black and white guppy strains iv been working on.
Here's one picture I found a while ago. It's not actually a Guppy/Molly hybrid, but a Short finned Molly. It will give you an idea of what it might look like though:


And I saw another one just today when I was searching for something about Mollies. Let me see if I can find it again. :)
It's worth noting that guppy/molly hybrids are usually very unhealthy so it may not be the best of ideas to introduce them into your breeding lines... they do look cool, though ;)
Awwww... Thats the cutest lil thing :) I think I'll get around to it soon, once the filters established nicely.
the picture wont come up for me, can u try to re-post it? ill look back to find the post u were talking about ;)
Yeah, sure. I deleted it off my album, because you didn't reply or anything so I thought you'd forgotten about this topic. Here it is :):

Wow, that is a neat little fish there. =3 For a second (I just scroll down the first page to see what all is going on real quick then read) I thought it was a photoshop picture because the green is so bright compared to the silver. :thumbs: I want a few of those, just b/c they are pretty.

Do they have molly-like personalities or guppy?
now that is one of the coolest looking fish i have ever seen. i'd like one too, i try my best to have it's life to the fullest.
hey guys, i went to a lfs and spotted some of those guys being sold under the name "fansy molly" 10 bux a pair :lol: very cool thogh :D

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