Are Cory's trully tropical


Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2005
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A pedestrain paradise where the catwalk got it's c
Well I am in the process of setting up a coldwater tank. A twenty gallon that will hold i think maybe 3 goldfish. Well I have 2 cories in my tropical community and was thinking. A local petstore has cories in a couple of tanks that have holdfish and commets in them. I assume its a coldwater tank. So can they live in one? My room is on a second floor and is at a warm tempature constantly. Warm enough that the heater in my community tank blinks about every 15 seconds or so. And even then it quickly disappers. 1 more question. I know its not in the write section but i also have fancy guppies. I heard they could stay in a tank without a heater as long as the room tempature of about 70's. Is this true. :D
Hi wwestar2000 :)

There are two kinds of corys that are usually kept in goldfish tanks because they do fine in cooler water than most of the others. These are the C. aeneus (either bronze or the albinos you saw) and C. paleatus (peppered corys.) Most other corys need normal temperatures a few degrees more, and I wouldn't keep these at any lower temperature than 70 or 71 degrees either.

This is the C. aeneus:

And here is the C. paleatus:

Are yours either of these? :unsure:
wwestar2000 said:
ok so no no for coldwater. And what about fancy guppies?
Tropical again, they can live at lower temperatures than most tropical fish although should not be kept in a coldwater tank.
Guppies should be fine but remember to reduce the temperature slowly also they will not breed at this temperature.
Yeah mine was the first link. I bought 2. I think it sayed it was a Bronze Corydoras. But on the recept it says :CATFISH-SM CORY-EM. But yeah i couldnt affored the panda or peppored so i got the cheapest kind. Does that mean I could put them in the tank with no heater and a warm room?
Ddraig Goch said:
Guppies should be fine but remember to reduce the temperature slowly also they will not breed at this temperature.
Actually guppys can breed at coldwater temps although are less likely to, although this in itself is a sign they are in discomfort in coldwater tanks- keeping them in a coldwater tank will also shorten their life span, if you take into consideration most guppys only last 2yrs max now days with a year on average life expectancy for most people, they won't last long in a coldwater setup.
A fish's body temp is controlled by the temp of the water around it, which thus controls their metabolism and speeding up or lowering their metabolism will increase their chances of having eating and activity problems and getting ill in general more often.
lets not forget that goldies will eat anything that will fit in their mouths! cories and guppies wouldn't last very long should the goldfish ever grow large enough to eat them.
I wanted really maybe 2 twintails. I read that facies require 10 gallons each so 2 for a 20 gallon so they could get big. I ve noticed that twintails when they get big are like very clusey and have little mouths and big everything else. Will they be a dander for any fish like maybe a fancy guppie or cory i put in it when they get big.
i'd say dangerous to male guppies (since most of them are slim and wiggly under all those fins). probably not bad for cories.

since goldies are such a mess, you may not want to get a 20g for 2 and x other fish. i'd say that for estimating the necessary tank size, you pretend that you're stocking two tanks simultaneously (a 20 for 2 goldies and a x gallon for x inches of fish). remember, inches of fish no longer applies to fish over 5 inches long.
Yeah I was thinking that. Well with my research 20 gallons is a sutible home for 2 fantails. So Ill get 2 fantails. And because my fish will be small at the time of purchase. Ill just keep my nicest betta in the tank with them Or a couple female guppies. But when they get bigger Ill get the company some new homes. :D

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