2 male guppies.. together?


Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Gdl, Mexico

My aunt just got into fishkeeping, apparently she did the cycling thing and a week ago she got 2 male guppies. One of them stays at the corners most of the time and the other one seems to be fine.

Will this eventually work?? :/

its a 5 Gallon tank
One will always get picked on by the other and may die of stress eventually, a 10gal is the minimum for all-male groups as you realy need at least 5males to spread out agression between them- think of it like stocking tiger barbs or female bettas.
if those are her only two fish, tell her to pop a 3rd one in there. :nod: male guppies can be a bit nippy but an odd number should thin out any aggression since guppies won't really gang up on stuff.
pica_nuttalli said:
if those are her only two fish, tell her to pop a 3rd one in there. :nod: male guppies can be a bit nippy but an odd number should thin out any aggression since guppies won't really gang up on stuff.
If you are very lucky 3males could posibly work but if any get picked on there isn't going to adequete space in a 5gal for them to run to.
The more male guppies you have the better they will be i had two males in an tank that used to pick on each other constantly added 6 more and now they all leave each other alone.
Ok, so there is no need to add any females, right? she didn't liked those :lol:

if she adds another male plus some plants (for hiding), would that make it better?

btw, there are no more fish in the tank.... but she just saw my gouramies the other day and now she wants to buy one, so I told her she would need at least a 10 gal tank. will the guppies be a problem for a three spot gourami, you know, because of the nipping thing?? :blink:
No she does not need to add any females. That will actually make the aggression worse, unless she adds about 6. Try getting one more male, for now, and then add in LOTS of hiding places.

And yes...I think a three-spot might be a little too aggressive for the Guppies. They are known to be slightly aggressive....so I don't know if you'd want to risk the Guppies or their tails. :/
I think a three spot gourami would be too big for her tank anyway, have you considered suggesting honey gouramis? They are much smaller, very pretty and not at all aggressive. Or maybe dwarf gourami, they're very colourful. :thumbs:
Ddraig Goch said:
I think a three spot gourami would be too big for her tank anyway, have you considered suggesting honey gouramis? They are much smaller, very pretty and not at all aggressive. Or maybe dwarf gourami, they're very colourful. :thumbs:

Do you mean too little for her current 5Gal tank??? 'cause I've already told my aunt that she needs a 10Gal at least. She is considering getting this tank and will talk her into buying a Dwarf or a Honey but I do believe that 5 Gal for a Dwarf is still small if that is what you ment.
I meant for a 10gal tank, I think a 10gal is probably about 2ft? The larger types of gourami need at least a 3ft tank. She could possibly put a couple of honeys in a 5gal but if you want a better informed opinion put a post on the gourami thread.

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