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  1. D

    General Advice Needed

    29 UK gallons (133 litres) 35 US gallons
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    Fish Dying- Wasting?

    I'm not an expert on diseases, but I'd agree with Tokis-Phoenix and say internal bacteria.
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    Pebbles To Sand

    I was making an order on-line the other day and saw this.... 'Gravel Tidy, Sub Gravel Separator', Fine mesh perforated plastic sheeting Flexible and easily cut to shape Ideal for separating substrate layers in both freshwater and marine aquariums Wide range of sizes to suit most aquariums...
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    How Do I Stop My Platies Hogging All The Food?

    One male will be fine, if you have too many males the females will get too stressed (especially when pregnant).
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    Mature Guppies And Platys

    We used to breed fish a few years ago (Platys, Guppies, Gouramis and Danios), they seem to be growing much faster this time around though. I will post as soon as she gives birth. :thumbs:
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    Mature Guppies And Platys

    Yep, they're separated in a different tank which I set up a couple of months ago. I didn't move the 5 Platy fry as they seemed happy where they were and there was no risk of inbreeding. I'm watching very carefully, she seems fine for now, I will put her in my small fry tank so she doesn't get...
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    Mature Guppies And Platys

    :*) I changed it, :thumbs: I checked the dictionary but it wasn't there! I was shocked when I saw that the Platys were pregnant at that age, I let them grow up in my display tank as their father had died of old age. I'm expecting them any day now as I can see the fry's eyes inside one...
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    Thanks, I'll go up to see if the LFS has any, and if so I'll fetch them a week or so after that. :D
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    Thanks for the reply. :thumbs: They'll be in my Guppy and Platy 'growing-on' tank, so they won't be new-born.
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    Mature Guppies And Platys

    My fry are maturing! :drink: I'm soooooooo excited. :fun: At 8 weeks old my male Guppies are developing gonopodiums. :hyper: They are starting to colour up very nicely too. and......... Some of my female Platys (who were born and survived in my display tank), 4 months old are...
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    Will Otos eat livebearer fry?
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    October's PoTM Nominations

    Thanks to tekknocolor, SRC and Annastasia for the nominations. :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: Arrow :P Nia :P Link to the nominations.....
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    I read on here a couple of weeks ago about someone using petroleum jelly between the glass and the background to help it fix tightly to the back of the tank, if you want black maybe a bin bag or some other black plastic would do the job.
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    fry-to move or not?

    What other fish do you have in the tank? If they aren't too big then they may well survive long enough to be larger than mouth sized. Floating plants are a good idea too, or rocks and slate so they can hide easily. Finely crushed flake and live food is fine for them, although they will eat...
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    My Little Pony

    Thanks to you all......... what can I say.......... :P ;) :D
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    Malaysian Trumpet Snail

    Thanks for the warning rdd1952, I'll bear that in mind. :thumbs:
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    Platy Danger I think?

    Yep, gravid spots can be an orange/pink colour depending on the colour of the fish, is she yellow or orange by any chance? When she is within a week or so of giving birth you might be able to see black dots inside, these are the eyes of the fry. Or, if she's black or a tuxedo then you won't...
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    Their fins are normal sized. There are several different colour variations to choose from too, try a google image search there are some very nice ones to be had.
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    I think the males grow to about an inch. :thumbs:
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    Arrow Platys

    Yep! :nod: My very LPS is closed 'till Tuesday :sad: , and he didn't have any comets when I was there last :sad: :sad: , so it'll hopefully be within the next couple of weeks when I get a chance to travel to the other LPS's. :kana: Don't worry paulthegreat, we didn't take it personally...
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    My Little Pony

    Here's a picture of my little Welsh Mountain pony Arrow, I know he's not technically a household pet but he is very little and if I gave him half a chance he'd be lying on the sofa every night watching TV with us! and this is his girlfriend Nia.......... he's been teaching her to be rude too...
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    Arrow Platys

    :( Sorry paulthegreat :sad: The arrow platys were yellow, but I guess they could be bred to be most colours. If I can get a blue comet it would be great as most of my platys are red or yellow ATM.
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    Arrow Platys

    Wow, I've never heard of a Pintaloosa before, he’s nice. Yes he's mine, he's a Welsh Mountain pony (section A). Ironically his name is Arrow! :lol: I choose the picture because he is sticking his tongue out, naughty pony! :no:
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    Malaysian Trumpet Snail

    Thanks all, I might give them a try. :thumbs:
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    Arrow Platys

    I’ve sent them an e-mail asking for them to put a picture up :shifty: , If they do I'll post a link. ;) I don't know what kind of comet, I'm limited in the number of LFS's here so I guess I'll get the first one I see!! :nod: P.s. Cute miniature appaloosa, is it one of yours?
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    How do fish mate?

    :*) They are 'attached' (for want of a better word) for about a second, only long enough to pass across the sperm packet. If you watch them for long enough I'm sure you will see them in the act, although you may decide not to as it could make you feel a little embarrassed!!! :*) :whistle: :*)
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    Malaysian Trumpet Snail

    Thanks for the replies. I've got gravel at the moment but am considering adding some sand (50-50) for the corys. Do these snails eat algae?
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    Arrow Platys

    I saw them on the 'Trimar' site (a UK online fish shop), they had a picture in their gallery but have since removed it. :( They were yellow arrow platys, they are still selling them but there's no pic and I can't find them anywhere else, sorry. If I manage to breed...
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    Malaysian Trumpet Snail

    I've heard that it is good to have Malaysian Trumpet Snails in your tank, I keep livebearers and corydoras and I have live plants, would these snails be benificial to my tank? :dunno:
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    Arrow Platys

    I saw these 'arrow platys' on a website the other day :wub: , I think they're a new colour variation as I don't get many results when doing a search for them. They appear to be a cross between a mickey mouse platy and a comet platy. :nod: Unfortunately I don't have a comet at this time...
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    Livebearer Color Gallery Picture Thread

    .........and some more guppies. Blue Tail Female Guppy Yellow and Black Tail Female Guppy (three months old)
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    Livebearer Color Gallery Picture Thread

    I've had my camera out again and taken some more pics............. Here are some more of my platys..... Orange Wagtail Platy (dad was orange calico, pic posted previously, and mum was blue wag tail) Orange/Gold Platy (sister of above) Orange Calico/Tuxedo Platy (dad was orange calico, pic...
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    Feeding cucumber?

    Thanks peegee. :thumbs:
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    Fish for supper?

    :fish: :fish: :fish:
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    favourite breed of dog

    Border Collie; inteligent, friendly, obedient, trusrworthy, very pretty and above all...... not too expensive!!! (Smetimes even FREE to a good home!!!) :rofl: Meg
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    Livebearer Color Gallery Picture Thread

    Orange Calico Platy (could have been crossed with a Tuxedo) :sad: Died of old age last month. :rip:
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    Livebearer Color Gallery Picture Thread

    ......and some guppies, I don't know the names for the guppy colours so I'll just describe them. Snakeskin Male Guppy Snakeskin Male Guppy pic 2 Blue and Gold Male Guppy Red Tail Yellow Female Guppy with (blurry) Blue and Gold Male Guppy Two Female Guppies Speckled Tails
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    Livebearer Color Gallery Picture Thread

    I hope I've got the hang of it now. :unsure: Here are some of my Platys, mostly home bread. Yellow Mickey Mouse Platy (Pregnant) Sunset Mickey Mouse Platy Red Coral Mickey Mouse Platy White Tuxedo Mickey Mouse Platy
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    Livebearer Color Gallery Picture Thread

    Ok, I'm going to try to post a pic................ wish me luck!!! :S Red Coral Platy Yay........... it works :kana: , I'm off to get some more. Thanks for the help Annastasia. :thumbs:
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    Livebearer gallery, sociable event for eveyone!

    Thanks for that, I'll set up an account this afternoon. :thumbs: