October's PoTM Nominations

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Put the trombone down, *****!
Jul 18, 2004
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In the kitchen sink...
If your pet has been nominated for the Month of October's please post here

Please post the image with (img) tags so we can see it here, and add a link to the thread where it was nominated....

If you would like your pet to be in October's PoTM competition, please post them in here.

Please remember:

Your pet must have at least two nominations from two seperate people (and you can't nominate yourself)
Please post the picture in this thread too - it saves us from having to crawl through your thread in order to find the correct picture.
Please post who nominated you, and quote what they said.
Add a link to the original thread too.

Thanks! I have asked the above to make our life easier when creating the polls and checking nominations and stuff! :)

Good luck![/b]
Also, if you could post your pictures using IMG tags that would be great. I had to save a few pictures from this month's, and then host them in my Photobucket since they were attached to the post. I don't mind doing this, but it makes life a little easier if we can just copy the address. Thanks! :)

Crunchy the cat, nominated by Angry Platy and Angel Lady.

Angry Platy said:
Awwww...nice photos of a very pretty cat.

POTM from me
(Angry Platy)

Angel Lady said:
Me to I second it. I think that cat is adorable. Cool pictures Puffer
(Angel Lady)

The thread

Thanks for the noms.
Thanks to tekknocolor, SRC and Annastasia for the nominations. :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Arrow :p

Nia :p

Link to the nominations..... http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=109854

tekknocolor said:
:lol:   That is so adorable!!  POTM for both!  That's so cute!

SRC said:
:rofl:   They are like "take our picture's will you...well....well take that  :p and that :p!" :lol: those are great..I second that NOM!

Annastasia said:
I'll third the nom, even if you don't need it. I want to feel special too... :p
Annastasia said:
Also, if you could post your pictures using IMG tags that would be great. I had to save a few pictures from this month's, and then host them in my Photobucket since they were attached to the post.
You know you can right click on an attached picture in a thread, go to properties, and get the addie to the picture, then post it as a IMG here. :nod: Works the same as if someone had used PB..because TFF is the one hosting it :thumbs: .



Smooches got nominated...
FishEnthusiast said:
Your pets are so adorable. :wub: I love the one of smooches jumping at the camera. What a great shot. POTM for that one. :kewlpics:

Puffer_freak said:
Aww! I also second the nom for Smooches!

Great pictures and adorable pets! :look:


"are we gonna go out and play mom, huh huh are we???"

Smiley got nominated....
Puffer_freak said:
:wub: POTM for the first picture of Smiley! :lol: That made me laugh so much because it's the typical dog wanting to go out.

Angel Lady said:
Great pictures I loved them all I will second the nomination for ever which one that needs a second one.. :kewlpics:

Both were nominated HERE in the same thread. Thanks :nod:
Here's no name the 'calico' kitten at 4 weeks old.


Noms from... Angel lady and Anastasia

O love them pictures I want to nominate the calico cat for them POTM. Good luck getting a second nomination..

The second picture is the one I like best, Come on someone give it a second nomination..

:lol: That is such a funny and cute picture...the look on her/his face...I'll second the nom. :D

They are all so cute though! Just adorable. :wub:

Good luck in POTM! :thumbs:

and Mum - Mitzi got some noms to..



pfft. i wanna nominate Momma-Kat in that last picture; she's a beaut!

I second the nomination for the momma calico. They are all so cute tho :wub:
Rigby (and Brandon :lol: ) were nominated by Angel_Lady and kimbowee here.

Those are priceless pictures I love the third one down , PotM for it, good luck getting another nomination,,

'll second the nomination. They are adorable!

Thanks guys!

I think it's so cute how they're making the same face!
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