Malaysian Trumpet Snail

Ddraig Goch

Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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I've heard that it is good to have Malaysian Trumpet Snails in your tank, I keep livebearers and corydoras and I have live plants, would these snails be benificial to my tank?
The part that they are benificial is if you have a planted tank with a subtrate like sand, if you do then, yes they are great for your tank.

If not, they wont hurt your tank, just wont do anything for it
They do eat dead and rotting plant matter and yes, they like to burry through the sand releasing if not preventing gas build ups in the substrate.
Thanks for the replies.

I've got gravel at the moment but am considering adding some sand (50-50) for the corys.

Do these snails eat algae?
hi there ! MTS will help your tank especially in planted tanks (where its good for the substrate to be moved occasionaly) i have small gravel around the size of the letter o ---->o and the snails go around the substrate nicely. they occasionaly climb the glass (but not too high) to nibble on the algae, i find that they like to eat on dead and dying plant matter or leftover food :)
Be very careful not to overfeed your fish or you will have a snail population explosion. I could give you about 1000 from my 29 gallon right now and still wouldn't make a dent in the number I have. Most are very tiny but there are more every day. I plan to change the substrate this weekend to get rid of them. No other way to get them out.

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