Mature Guppies And Platys

Ddraig Goch

Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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My fry are maturing! :drink: I'm soooooooo excited. :fun:

At 8 weeks old my male Guppies are developing gonopodiums. :hyper: They are starting to colour up very nicely too.


Some of my female Platys (who were born and survived in my display tank), 4 months old are pregnant!!! :blink:

:fish: :band: :fish:
Yay, congrats! :D

Full grown males, here they come! You'll have to post some piccies of them, as I don't believe I've seen them.

Pregnant at 4 months, wow! Don't waste any time, do they? :p

Edit: By the way, Gonopodium has an "O" not an "A". Sorry, being nitpicky!
Edit: By the way, Gonopodium has an "O" not an "A". Sorry, being nitpicky!

:*) I changed it, :thumbs: I checked the dictionary but it wasn't there!

I was shocked when I saw that the Platys were pregnant at that age, I let them grow up in my display tank as their father had died of old age. I'm expecting them any day now as I can see the fry's eyes inside one of the females.
Yeah you should definatly start separating your fry now the males are becomming apparent otherwise you'll have an uncontrollable inbreeding frenzy on your hands- guppys can reproduce at only 3months old ;) .
:lol: I never thought to look in a Dictionary for fish terms...I wonder if mine has it.

Yes, they can actually get pregnant at 3 months, which it sounds like happened to your's, if they are close to having fry at 4 months. I would closely watch her though, and keep it as stress free as possible. I'd imagine it's not too great for them to be having fry this she might have some difficulty, just a warning. Could you put her in a seperate tank? :)

I wish her luck, though...go little girlie! :D
Yeah you should definatly start separating your fry now the males are becomming apparent otherwise you'll have an uncontrollable inbreeding frenzy on your hands- guppys can reproduce at only 3months old ;) .

Yep, they're separated in a different tank which I set up a couple of months ago. I didn't move the 5 Platy fry as they seemed happy where they were and there was no risk of inbreeding.

Yes, they can actually get pregnant at 3 months, which it sounds like happened to your's, if they are close to having fry at 4 months. I would closely watch her though, and keep it as stress free as possible. I'd imagine it's not too great for them to be having fry this she might have some difficulty, just a warning. Could you put her in a seperate tank? :)

I wish her luck, though...go little girlie! :D

I'm watching very carefully, she seems fine for now, I will put her in my small fry tank so she doesn't get too stressed.
Sounds like you are very prepared. Good job. :D

Keep us updated on her!

We used to breed fish a few years ago (Platys, Guppies, Gouramis and Danios), they seem to be growing much faster this time around though.

I will post as soon as she gives birth. :thumbs:
Some of my female Platys (who were born and survived in my display tank), 4 months old are pregnant!!! :blink:

Yay, one has given birth! :- All are fine, no birthing problems, :thumbs: 5 little baby Platys. :D I checked how old mum was......... just over 15 weeks!!! :blink:

I have another two expecting, but not for a couple of weeks, (I think).
Yay! Congrats! :D I'm so glad to hear she didn't have any troubles.

15 weeks, eh? Starting young, I see! :p
I've got some pics of my little guppies, hope you like them......... :D

Female Guppy (4 months old)

Male Guppies (almost 11 weeks old)




Gorgeous! The males look like they might have a little Endler in them? :)

Very pretty, though. All of them. :wub:
Thanks. :)

Gorgeous! The males look like they might have a little Endler in them? :)

I don't have any Endlers so I don't know where some of those colours have come from! :unsure: Some of the females were pregnant when I got them, but I know that the LFS hasn't been able to get any Endlers in for a friend of mine, so they can't have inbred.
Well, some Fancies were bred with Endlers to give them some coloring. It might be showing through more in this generation. Hard to say. But I would definitely say they have a little Endler, even if it's from pretty far back. :)

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