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  1. R

    Will Fish Interbreed

    Your platies and swordtails can interbreed, but your other fish will not interbreed, unless your pink and blue tetras are artificially colored glass tetras then they can interbreed. Rez B)
  2. R

    New Black Phantom Tetras

    I just picked up some black phantom tetras today after work. I fell in love with them about half a year ago and the fish store I got them at had some excellent looking tetras. My girlfriend really wants me to get neons, but I am not sure about jumping into neons at such an early stage in keeping...
  3. R

    Which Cory For Me?

    You can lower your Ph if you add some Fluval peat granules or fluval peat fibers. just put them in a filter bag and hang them in your tank or put them in your filter. This will give the water a yellow/tea coloration, but that is what the water looks like where cories live in the wild. This is...
  4. R

    Another Id For Rez And Captain Retardo *lol*

    I completely agree, it is a C. Leucomelas. It is not uncommon for a petshop to label cories spotted corydoras because there are so many that have very similar patterns to the leucomelas. The spotted cories as they are reffered to in fish stores could be any number of these: C-133 C-110 C-103...
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    This is definately not normal behavior for any corydoras :crazy: I have seen cories floating on the top of the water before, this is usually a sign of poor water conditions. Make sure that your water is completely declhoronated. Also, it cannot be swim bladder infection because corydoras...
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    My female Endler's act very similar to what you have described your females actions. Female Endler's from my experience spend much of the time at the time at the top of the aquarium. This is not just an action by pregnant females either I have seen very young females also hang around the top of...
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    Id Needed - Updated With Pics!

    Here they are side by side, perhaps we can put this ID to rest :lol:
  8. R

    Id Needed - Updated With Pics!

    They are not C93s because both male and female C93s have a tannish belly and a little tan line that runs a bit higher than the lateral line. I don't think that you have C93s. I am sticking with my initial judgement: Melanotaenia. Rez B)
  9. R

    Network Cory?

    It's a Corydoras Sodalis. If it was a Reticulatus it would have the networked pattern throughout its whole body down to its belly. the Sodalis has the networked pattern to just below its midline then it has vertical lines. Kathy yours is a Sodalis because of the presence of the vertical lines.
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    How To Know If Diy Co2 Is Working

    How I make it so I can tell if CO2 is being produced is I place one air line into my 2 liter bottle and then run the airline into a smaller 20 fl oz bottle half full of water. I run the air line tubing underneath the water in the 20 fl oz bottle. I then run another air line, (NOT IN THE WATER)...
  11. R


    Wait awhile the Pandas will eventually turn the same color. They can change the color of their bodies slightly to better fit in with their environment, I have seen this with my Pandas. In one aquarium I have white sand and the other dark brown rocks, the pandas I keep in the dark brown rocks are...
  12. R

    Id Needed - Updated With Pics!

    Lol, good catch Kathy! 99% of the people whould have left it at they are just Aeneus. At a passing glance I probably would have said the same thing. :lol:
  13. R

    Id Needed - Updated With Pics!

    I believe it to be Corydoras Melanotaenia. They are very often confused for Aeneus, it is definately not C. Eques. Melanotaenia show a wide range of color variation and scientists now feel that the "lazer stripe aeneus" are actually a type of Melanotaenia. I have seen Melanotaenia with the...
  14. R

    Fully Black Guppies

    I was thinking the same thing they look like mollies. God I know because I have more than my fair share of black molly babies. the body shape and especially the dorsal fin look like the spitting image of a molly. Rez B)
  15. R

    Brand New Endlers

    I have had the Endlers for a week now and they are doing well. The females are still pretty young, just a little larger than the males. I have one male that is extrmely interesting, he looks like a female, he is larger than the other males, he does not have the same coloration as the males, but...
  16. R

    How Many Young People Are There Who Have Interest Of Tropical Fish

    I am 23 and I am days away from recieving my college degree :hyper: finally after five years!!! I have been keeping fish for about 2 years now. I really don't think it is a phase for me, but again I started when I was 21 so I really don't know how I would have done as a teenager keeping fish...
  17. R

    I Have Panda Fry

    Here's a link to my old Panda fry journal, it shows my Pandas when they were still in the eggs.
  18. R

    What Type Of Cory Is This?

    It's a Corydoras Sodalis. Rez B)
  19. R

    Brand New Endlers

    Sorry I could not be more of a help :( good luck finding some, I know that they have them in the UK, they might be a little rarer and more expensive, but if there were any that made it across the pond the way that they breed I am sure that there is someone over there who has some for you.
  20. R

    Brand New Endlers

    I don't know the conversion and I doubt that the seller would ship the fish to the UK. I am sorry :sad: I can still send you his name for Aquabid and maybe you can work something out with him, but I think it would be hard for the fish to survive such a trip. I am sure that there are Endler's...
  21. R

    Brand New Endlers

    Well, I don't want to jinx myself, because I have only had them for a couple of hours, but they appear to me to be in excellent condition for being in the mail for 2 days, They were packed well and so far I could not be happier with them. I got them off of Aquabid. I am from the US and the...
  22. R

    Brand New Endlers

    I just recieved these endlers in the mail today. All of them arrived safe and sound. So far I have 3 obvious males. They are really young, but they do not seem to be that stressed about the transport, in fact they were eating, and the males were trying to breed as soon as I put them into the...
  23. R

    Cory Eggs - Journal - Update 5/4/06

    Normal fry behavior for fry a few days old is not one of graceful swimming at all. I have even noticed that the newly born cory fry will sometimes even roll around like balls on the floor of the aquarium. If the fry still have the thier yolk sacs in their bellies they will not need food, I...
  24. R


    I completely agree with AlexandCarmen. My cories are fine with days old newborn cory fry in their aquarium with them. I have never once seen the cories actively hunt the fry as the fry swim on the bottom milimeters away from the mouths of the adults. I have even seen cory fry that could easily...
  25. R

    Cory Eggs - Journal - Update 5/4/06

    How long has it been since the eggs were laid? If it has been three days and they are still white you can bet that they are unfertile. But it is often hard to figure out which eggs are still viable when they are newly laid up to two days. Also if you see them with fuzz, no matter how long its...
  26. R

    Cory Eggs - Journal - Update 5/4/06

    I have personally bred pandas on numerous occasions. Your pandas are still young and will begin to produce more eggs as they grow bigger and older. My first attempts at successfully raising them met with numerous failures as well, as was the first attempts by Inchworm with this particular...
  27. R

    Bumblebee Goby - Acclimating Them Back To Salt

    Hi I am getting some bumblebee gobies in less than a month. I am getting them from my local Petco (only because that is the only place I can find them) and I am 99% sure that they are being kept in 100% freshwater, since the freshwater aquariums all share the same filter system. I know that the...
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    My New Little Girl

    She was just in a cup right next to the males. She looked very sad and was the only female on the rack so I decided to take her home. Little did I know what a pretty lady she was! :wub:
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    My New Little Girl

    She's a veiltail
  30. R

    My New Little Girl

    Here is a picture of my new girl, Henrietta. I have had her now for a couple of weeks. When I first got her I could not even tell that she was red because she was so pale. Since I have had her, she has turned very beautiful indeed. My girlfriend's male, Franky, was looking at her longingly when...
  31. R

    My New Rubbernose -- With A Pic

    I just picked him up a couple of weeks ago. I do not really see much of him during the day, but I see the great job he is doing at night with the algae in my aquarium. I took this picture of him while I was cleaning my aquarium tonight, really the only time I can get a picture of him. I think...
  32. R

    New Camera -- New Cories (hopefully)

    I am not quite sure yet what I am going to do with them I will probably just keep them. I inquired at a few fishstores about taking a few of them, but they were not interested, I find it amazing that considering I can no longer find pandas in my area that no store would be willing to take them...
  33. R

    Saw Something I Didn't Recognize.

    What you are describing sound like rubbernose plecos to me. They are fairly common in fishstores, if in fact they are rubbernoses that is. When I got mine he was less than an inch long, but he is closing in on 2 inches now. I'll try and get you a picture of him, but he likes to hide under his...
  34. R

    New Camera -- New Cories (hopefully)

    It has been quite some time since I updated everyone to the status of the baby Panda Cories. They are all still alive, save one who died suddenly for no apparent reason about 3 weeks ago. They are now of good size and eating heartily. They are now the spitting image of thir parents only about a...
  35. R

    I Found Panda Cories!

    I bought 6 Panda Cories for 6$ each back in June it was a good investment because I now own 20 of them. My little Pandas are breeding machines hardly a week goes by where I do not find a couple eggs on the glass :wub: Good luck with the Pandas they are a wonderful fish. Rez B)
  36. R

    My Corys Hate Me

    Most likely the cories you have were wild caught and they are definately more skiddish. My Juliis are wild caught and they go crazy like yours when I walk into the room. My other cories, which I suspect to be tank bred, are not skiddish at all. Rez B)
  37. R

    I Want Some Cories!

    I have both pandas and juliis. I will tell you now that at a $1.99 each, they are in all probability c. trilineatus and not true c. julii. I have kept both trilineatus and julii, as well as c. panda. I like my c. pandas the best. They seem to hide less when I am in front of the tank, but be...
  38. R

    Please Identify This Cory

    I cannot see your picture anymore either, but I do know that it is not a Brochis. Brochis are not even Corydoras and your fish is definately not a Brochis. It could be a C. Leucomelas, but before you label it that, check to see if your fish has spots on the orange part just behind the eyes to...
  39. R

    Please Identify This Cory

    It is definately not C. Adolfoi, because Adolfoi do not have spots. It looks like a Corydoras Agassizii: to me. Very nice looking cories by the way :thumbs: Rez B)