Brand New Endlers


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
United States, Illinois, Chicago Area
I just recieved these endlers in the mail today. All of them arrived safe and sound. So far I have 3 obvious males. They are really young, but they do not seem to be that stressed about the transport, in fact they were eating, and the males were trying to breed as soon as I put them into the isolation tank.

Here's a picture, sorry about its quality but they are all over the place!!


Rez B)
nice fish, ive been interested in endlers for quite a while now, i have a few questions.

how much were they?
how reliable was the place you bought them from?
how long did they take to come?

and finally............
whats the site called :p

thnx plz reply :good:
nice fish, ive been interested in endlers for quite a while now, i have a few questions.

how much were they?
how reliable was the place you bought them from?
how long did they take to come?

and finally............
whats the site called :p

thnx plz reply :good:

Well, I don't want to jinx myself, because I have only had them for a couple of hours, but they appear to me to be in excellent condition for being in the mail for 2 days, They were packed well and so far I could not be happier with them. I got them off of Aquabid. I am from the US and the seller is from Ohio, so I think it would be hard to get you the Endlers. I am sorry, that I cannot help you recieve any :( .They were very cheap, only 26$ total that's the cost of the fish and shipping! They appear to me to be real 100% endlers, not hybridized with a guppy. I'll keep you updated as to their health as they start to get acclimated.

Rez B)
yes i would like you to post me the sellers name plz
how much would 26$ be in british money?
yes i would like you to post me the sellers name plz
how much would 26$ be in british money?

I don't know the conversion and I doubt that the seller would ship the fish to the UK. I am sorry :sad: I can still send you his name for Aquabid and maybe you can work something out with him, but I think it would be hard for the fish to survive such a trip. I am sure that there are Endler's availabe in the UK though, maybe someone can help you out better than a Yank like myself
i wont bother then, better not to risk it, ill just have to find either a local seller or order them from my petstore(if they will)
i wont bother then, better not to risk it, ill just have to find either a local seller or order them from my petstore(if they will)

Sorry I could not be more of a help :( good luck finding some, I know that they have them in the UK, they might be a little rarer and more expensive, but if there were any that made it across the pond the way that they breed I am sure that there is someone over there who has some for you.
Hi you find a lot of endlers

and in the UK

our local fish shop sells them also

Good luck!
I have had the Endlers for a week now and they are doing well. The females are still pretty young, just a little larger than the males. I have one male that is extrmely interesting, he looks like a female, he is larger than the other males, he does not have the same coloration as the males, but he does have the gonopodium and a faint black bar, that darkens considerably when he is "showing off for the females, I'll try and get a pic of him. I was wondering if anyone has heard of this before.

EDIT: Well shoot, here I've been trying to get a good picture of him for the past 20 minutes and the best picture of him has been up the entire time lol, on my first post he is the one in the middle, he looks like a female Endler, but you can see some neon yellow-green near his tail and the faint black spotch where it should be for endlers. And you can also see his size in relation to te other obvious males.

Here is another picture, it is really bad but it gives a good representation of his color.

Rez B)

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