

Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
We brought couple a pairs of Endlers yesterday, the fella mentioned that the females where pregnant, how long does their pregnancy last? also the males have had a good explore of the tank but the females are just cruiseing lazily at the top of the tank spending a lot of time in amongst the floating plants, is this normal?

I've just seen a profile on Endlers so the pregnancy question is answered, i just need help understanding their behaviour is what i've described normal or is it as Daemon says there about to produce fry?
We brought couple a pairs of Endlers yesterday, the fella mentioned that the females where pregnant, how long does their pregnancy last? also the males have had a good explore of the tank but the females are just cruiseing lazily at the top of the tank spending a lot of time in amongst the floating plants, is this normal?

I've just seen a profile on Endlers so the pregnancy question is answered, i just need help understanding their behaviour is what i've described normal or is it as Daemon says there about to produce fry?

My female Endler's act very similar to what you have described your females actions. Female Endler's from my experience spend much of the time at the time at the top of the aquarium. This is not just an action by pregnant females either I have seen very young females also hang around the top of the aquarium. I believe that it is just normal behavior for them. If they appear to be gasping, you might want to add some more surface agitation. Hope this helps.

Rez B)
Mine are the same too - they don't gasp - just slowly cruise around. See the profile I did on them - and read the information regarding light under the "care" section. Might make more sense :)
Cheers Bloo i had a read of this last night it was a great help. I see you recommend a 2 to 1 female / male ratio. I asked the fella about this when i brought them as they sold them by the pair & i could remember in the back of my head reading that you should have more females than males . it was obviously a question he heard before but he told me it would be fine to keep them in pairs. Will i have problems?
He also mentioned that a water temperature around what you recommend would produce more male fry than female, is this right?
To tell you the truth I actually keep them at slightly lower temps to fit in with my other fish & shrimp - so at 25C which still seems to suit them fine. I know that temperature often plays in role and sex ratio though, though to be honest I haven't really noticed a vast difference at the temps I keep them at.

The ratios would also be more important I guess in smaller setups - but in a larger planted tank this makes little difference I found.

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