Please Identify This Cory


Fish Crazy
Jan 12, 2006
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I got some false juliis at the store and this one was in the bag. I don't mind, I really like it. But I don't know what species it is. The one on the right in the first pic. The second picture is just a photo of two of my other corys I thought I'd share.



I got some false juliis at the store and this one was in the bag. I don't mind, I really like it. But I don't know what species it is. The one on the right in the first pic. The second picture is just a photo of two of my other corys I thought I'd share.


It is definately not C. Adolfoi, because Adolfoi do not have spots. It looks like a Corydoras Agassizii: to me. Very nice looking cories by the way :thumbs:

Rez B)
I have 2 that look exactly like your name less cory, C. Leucomelas iam pretty sure thats what you have, but they could be C. Brochis
I have 2 that look exactly like your name less cory, C. Leucomelas iam pretty sure thats what you have, but they could be C. Brochis

I cannot see your picture anymore either, but I do know that it is not a Brochis. Brochis are not even Corydoras and your fish is definately not a Brochis. It could be a C. Leucomelas, but before you label it that, check to see if your fish has spots on the orange part just behind the eyes to the dorsal fin and also on the face, inbetween the eyes to the mouth. If your fish does not then it is not a C. Leucomelas. I reccomend you look at C30 on the link above, I believe this to be your fish if the spots are not in the places I asked you to look.

Rez B)

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