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  1. G


    Hello all :good: . I own a dehumidifier and it collects a bucket of water a day. The stupid question is... would that water ever be ok to use? I just wondered it tonight as I poured it down the drain. I've heard of people using rain water before. So it got me thinking :lol:
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    Missing Eye

    got no pics here. it's now just a red spot in it's place he lives with these black sailfin molly some lepoard pleco gold gourami 6 rainbows 4 siamese algae eaters 4 clown loaches female betta 3 black skirt tetras 2 platys 2 pakistani loaches
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    Diy Co2 Question this guide will give you a rough indication on how much yeast you should be using :)
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    Missing Eye

    Hello All. Today when I was looking at the fish I noticed one of my Sterbai Cories was missing an eye :no: He seems to be eating normal and schooling with the other two as normal. I just wondered how on earth a fish could lose an eye. I'm not sure if he was attacked, or if that's a form of...
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    Milwaukee Regulator

    thanks jason i got it now! worked perfect. is it possible to show a picture of how your regulator connects to your co2 cylinder please? it took me ages to tighten it with a wrench and i'm not even sure if it's meant to go all the way. either i'm a weakling or it stops half way on the threads...
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    Milwaukee Regulator

    Does anyone own one of these? I read that I need to put the tubing on top where the bubble counter is, but do I unscrew the little top bit first or leave it on? I'm really unsure. I haven't been able to find a picture anyway how the tubing fits on :-(
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    Weirdo Platy

    I have a weirdo blue wagtail platy that always schools with a normally unsocialble black skirt tetra. He never ever leaves his side, always a milimetre away from him, been doing it for months now :D Is that normal?
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    Diffusing Co2 In Filter Intake + Poll +

    alot of people find it safe to do, especially on their eheim intakes. not so sure because you have a smaller tank and different filter. another method a lot use is by using a powerhead instead to make a co2 mist. using the intake of that
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    Premier League Fantasy Football

    I'll win this league. No question about it :good: They don't call me geezer Jol for nothing :lol:
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    Eheim 2215 Classic

    oh right, thanks mate, i weren't too sure. i'm actually upgrading my tank to a 90 gallon, will that 2217 be ok for it? I think i can get the filters exchanged if i'm lucky
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    Eheim 2215 Classic

    Does anyone own this? I've got it and don't seem that powerful. How hard does the water come out the spraybar? I own a 55 gallon and it don't look like it's all that powerful for it :unsure:
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    Friend Has Sick Fish

    the tank is also 5 gallons they haven't got a test kit either
  13. G


    thanks both, i didn't think about the LFS having dodgy media. I'll scrap that option. I'll try the cutting up method dthoffsett :good: . I'm aware of the not rinsing under the tap as well! The nitrites are at 0 today, but I don't trust it. I put some good bacteria , towards the intake of the...
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    Friend Has Sick Fish

    Hello all :good: . me friend has a coldwater aquarium, which has 3 goldfish. One of them has scales sticking out so I assume that the fish has dropsy. One of the other fish has lost it's colour. What would be the best option to do? I'm aware most dropsy fish don't surive! I'm a bit stupid...
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    Aggresive Female

    that's ok mate :good: no probs at all. The 25 gallon was pretty well planted (2 lots of amazon sword, few ferns) loads of small and big rocks. but i did decide to move her to the 55 gallon tank. The gold gourami don't like her much but he is a grump with everyone :lol: . The red coral platy...
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    I have a 25 gallon tank but it's using like spouges, i'm not sure if i can add them to an eheim filter? not like a ring type one
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    Aggresive Female

    could i put her in the 55 gallon? it's a community tank but not sure if she'd like it :/
  18. G


    What's my best option do you think? So far I'm doing 30% water change a day and dosing with extra good bacteria. I'm thinking of running to the LFS tomorrow to pick up some used filter media that they might have :/
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    Aggresive Female

    Gulp, thanks all. I didn't realise that a female would be aggressive. I always thought it's only males and males that don't get along. I didn't buy her for breeding, although I wouldn't mind some extra betta's :wub: the tank is 25 gallons too the only other tank i have is a 55 gallon...
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    Aggresive Female

    Hello :good: I've got a male and female in the same tank and before they got on really well. Lately the female sneaks up behind the male and bites his tail :blink: . Is this normal or some sort of mating ritual?
  21. G


    I upgraded the filter from an aquaclear to a Eheim classic 2015. The mistake I made is remove the other filter straight away (stupid of me) . It was ok for about two weeks now I'm starting to get the nitrite readings :/
  22. G


    What's the best way to remove nitrites? Gravel vac or water change. I'm having some problems with it at the moment it keeps popping up daily. I've been doing gravel vacs. is that good or bad? I"m not sure if I'm removing the good bacteria
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    ok, thanks for your help i appreciate it
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    About 20 odd I think :/
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    it's about 6 months old now, it cycled ages back and never had readings of amonia or nitrites. It does have nitrates (I dose with it for plants) I think the mistake I made was that I got an Eheim filter, and removed the other filter (been 3 weeks now) . I should of kept the other filter on I...
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    What's the best way to remove NitrItes? Is it a gravel vac, or just a water change? My tank keeps getting levels in it for some reason. I keep doing 20% gravel vacs then it appears back the next day :angry:
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    Pea Puffer

    yup dwarf puffer. we are keeping him in a 25 gallon tank.
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    Pea Puffer

    Hi Everyone! I bought a pea puffer yesterday and after researching the net, I havent been able to find out what they like to eat? Any suggestions as to what to feed my little pea puffer? Thanks :P
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    Hi all, I had two aqua clear filters for my 55 gallon tank. One of them kicked the bucket so I went out to replace it and saw the big al's had the eheim canaster filters on sale. I bought the 2215 model. Ever since I have been running the eheim my water has been cloudy and it's been about...
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    Hi, Anyone Help Identify This Fish Please

    The video is a bit dark, but from what I can make out it looks like a Green Tiger Barb. Hope that helps :good: Here's what some look like
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    Mouth Fungus

    Hi Jen, I bought some rainbows last week as well and one of them developed a mouth fungus. In the past I have used melafix with success for mouth fungus. However, this time I turned up the heat a bit and added aquarium salt and that also did the trick.
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    Paradise Gourami

    Thanks for your help Wilder. You were right Fred died today. :( He was a great fish.
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    Paradise Gourami

    I have a paradise gourami (male) and he has been doing great until the past couple of days. I have noticed that he has stopped eating and today while looking at him very closely I noticed under the belly, but towards the head, a bulge. I dont know if this has always been there but I notice it...
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    i've seen them advertised but does anyone know the exact reason what they're for? anyone own one? how do they benefit the tank? fish? or plants? thanks for any help
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    Beach Rocks

    Thank you everyone for all your replies! Unfortunately I have no idea what the rocks are as I actually fished them out of Lake Ontario. I boiled the rocks for several hours on sat and then several hours on sunday. I then soaked them in a pail until today and I did the vinegar test and it...
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    Co2 System

    I heard from someone that system is pretty good. You can buy all parts seperate for cheaper I think (diff brands) For a full co2 system it shouldn't cost a person over $200 and for a fully automated system shouldn't really go over $300 that one would cost well over $400 Canadian dollars...
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    How To Set Up An Eheim 2213 Filter

    it seems to be spitting water out the top of it ok! been running for a week. I dunno if it would be bad if I filled the filter the wrong way around :lol: The water is very cloudy tho! how powerful is the eheim's meant to be?
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    Beach Rocks

    Hi there! I have a question. I went to the beach yesterday and saw some really great rocks on the beach. I was wondering if I boiled them could I use them in my aquarium? thanks! :good:
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    Petsmart Rant!

    I must say that I have had a similar experience at petsmart. We went in to buy a zebra loach. When he fished it out, I asked, are you sure it's a zebra loach? (it didnt look like any zebra loached I had ever seen) A few weeks later, I went back to buy psycho paul a buddy. So went to the...
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    How To Set Up An Eheim 2213 Filter

    When I syphoned mine I done the wrong pipe :o I done the one that goes into the filter. Would have I messed the whole thing up? :rolleyes: