

Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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What's the best way to remove nitrites? Gravel vac or water change.

I'm having some problems with it at the moment it keeps popping up daily.

I've been doing gravel vacs. is that good or bad? I"m not sure if I'm removing the good bacteria
How long has the tank been set up, see you have 4 clown loaches there.
Don't over do the gravel vac as yes you will remove to much of the bacteria colony in the gravel.
What filter are you using, as it sounds like the filter not coping with the fish in the tank.

Also plecs are massive waste producers.
I upgraded the filter from an aquaclear to a Eheim classic 2015. The mistake I made is remove the other filter straight away (stupid of me) . It was ok for about two weeks now I'm starting to get the nitrite readings :/
What's my best option do you think? So far I'm doing 30% water change a day and dosing with extra good bacteria.

I'm thinking of running to the LFS tomorrow to pick up some used filter media that they might have :/
Just time and patience, do you have any other tanks that you could take a sponge out of the filter from.
Small water changes are best or the cycle will take for ever.
Don't get any bacteria off the lfs you don't know what there tanks have in them, usually full of desease.
I have a 25 gallon tank but it's using like spouges, i'm not sure if i can add them to an eheim filter? not like a ring type one
If your eheim has a place for extra media, you can take one of the sponges from your other tank and cut it up to put it in the eheim. Just make sure you don't rinse out the sponge in tap water (I'm sure you know that.)
thanks both, i didn't think about the LFS having dodgy media. I'll scrap that option.

I'll try the cutting up method dthoffsett :good: . I'm aware of the not rinsing under the tap as well!

The nitrites are at 0 today, but I don't trust it. I put some good bacteria , towards the intake of the filter. so i'm thinking it helped maybe a little

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