Friend Has Sick Fish


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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Hello all :good: . me friend has a coldwater aquarium, which has 3 goldfish. One of them has scales sticking out so I assume that the fish has dropsy.

One of the other fish has lost it's colour. What would be the best option to do? I'm aware most dropsy fish don't surive!

I'm a bit stupid when it comes to cold water fish. Anything that I can suggest?
Size of tank in gallons litres would be good, plus water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Once scales stick out that the last stage of dropsy organ failure, all thats left to do is a epson salt bath to try to draw the fluids out.
the tank is also 5 gallons

they haven't got a test kit either

I can see why your friend is having problems, the first goldfish needs 20gal, then 10gal for every other one added, i would do a immediate water chamge as goldfish are massive waste producers and need excellent turn over filters.
If your friend as any healthy goldfish left i would take the rest back to the lfs, as they won't make it the tanks is too small.
There going to die of ammonia poisoning.

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