

Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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What's the best way to remove NitrItes?

Is it a gravel vac, or just a water change? My tank keeps getting levels in it for some reason. I keep doing 20% gravel vacs then it appears back the next day :angry:
If you are sure you mean nitrItes then it sounds as though your tank is not cycled.
first your fish produce ammonia as they breathe and as they crap,

this amonia is broken down into nitrItes by bacteria in the filter, this is less harmfull to fish but still not gopod to have in your tank

nitrItes are then turned into nitrAtes by more bacteria this is much less harmfull to fish and can be4 removed with a water change,

how long has your tank been set up as you should only see nitrites is someing is wrong or the tank is still cycleing
it's about 6 months old now, it cycled ages back and never had readings of amonia or nitrites. It does have nitrates (I dose with it for plants)

I think the mistake I made was that I got an Eheim filter, and removed the other filter (been 3 weeks now) .

I should of kept the other filter on I guess which contained all the beneficial bacteria

Shall I do gravel vacs everyday? Will this take away the beneficial bacteria in the gravel?

I don't think I could put the old filter back on now because all the spounges have dried up :/
Oh dear!!! No you can't put the old filters back on, the bacteria are long dead. You should have run the two filters together or put the media from the old one into the new one. Your tank sounds now as though it's cycling all over again. How many fish have you got in there?

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