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  1. G

    Me Male Betta Video

    @ Glod thanks! I got 5 frogs in there they all seem to do alright! they've even started to eat shrimp which I didn't think they did :lol: @ lisie :D :lol: :D . I think he was annoyed he didn't get fed when I was filming him @ catloer thanks! Me bolivian ram looks a bit agro there. he aint...
  2. G

    Help! Molly Problems

    Sounds like dropsy mate. I think it maybe in the pinned of beginner or this tropical fish emergenices for fish diseases. Not much chance of survival :sad:
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    69fgF_MXM0g v=69fgF_MXM0g test
  4. G


    :sad: . Strange isn't it! the link I wanted to use originally was this one . @ Wendy! There is two nano cichilids but they hide at the bottom/rocks. One Bolivian Ram which keeps appearing, two sailfin mollies (going into 95 gallon soon) and 5 dwarf...
  5. G

    Me Male Betta Video Hope you like :good: He loves it in the 25 gallon tank with the others. Seems to like messing about in the Amazon swords as well :good:
  6. G


    Thanks Sam. Couldn't see anything in that BB help section though which would suit me. Thankyou for the link though! @ Hoarp. I'll give it a whirl by uploading to instead. You tube doesn't seem to have a extension on it so it won't work like that :sad: When it's uploaded to...
  7. G


    is it possible to embed a youtube video into a thread using this forum? Someone suggested I use BBcode but I have no idea to use this. Anyone who can help me will be appreciated :good:
  8. G

    Female Betta Vid

    Not sure on how to use BB code :( Thanks for the comment on the Betta. She is a gooden. I'd love to breed them one day but the male seems to be more interested in playing in the amazon swords
  9. G

    Female Betta Vid

    Video of my female betta in the 55 gallon. I had to move her because she was beating up my male one :sad: If anyone can tell me how to put the video in a post instead of just a link I'd be most grateful. Hope you like me Betta
  10. G


    That's a pretty good idea, but probably only the fish fanatics would go to them lengths :sad: I'm tempted to take pictures of the two I go to. None of the tanks have any substrate (i guess this is the norm with all walmarts) and each one is covered in algae, looks more like a thick layer of...
  11. G

    55g Stockin Help

    A few more rainbows would be nice. They have great colours :drool: turqoise rainbow fish emerald rainbow fish bosemani rainbow recommend them all. good community fish
  12. G


    the more voices that are heard, maybe something can be done about it. you're probably the sort of person that likes how they're treated :(
  13. G


    Hello all :good: Whenever I go to walmart it always makes me angry looking at the fish section. The tanks are always filthy and unclean. The dead fish hardly are taken out! What really annoyed me is one of the staff who works on the fish section was smacking the tank with her palm to get the...
  14. G

    Tiny Dark Spots On Java Fern

    What nutrients are you adding and how many WPG do you have? It don't look very bad, but looks like it could be missing some extra nutrients
  15. G

    Tank Change

    I'm upgrading my tank from a 55 gallon to 95 gallon. The only thing is that i don't know how to do it properly. do i put the fish in buckets with the aqaurium water first. and put in all the old water into the new aquarium, and then put the fish into bags one by one so they adjust? then fill...
  16. G


    Hello all :good: I went to Big Al's today and see some sort of dolphins for sale. I don't remember the name of them though :X . I"m sure it began with B but my mind is crap Anyone have any idea what it could have been? It was in the freshwater section
  17. G


    Sorry for such a slow reply. It's 4 feet wide and I think the height is 20 inches and depth 16 inches (so my gf thinks!) I turned both lots of lights on and the annubias seems to pearl extra, lighting seemed to help :hey: 8) :) :hyper: i"m changing the reactor as the red sea reactor 500...
  18. G


    coralife lights. 4 x 65 watt bulbs i only use two of them though which i think gives me 2.3 WPG
  19. G


    My plants seem to growing a bit better now with the addition of co2. Themuleous has helped me out alot and I think it's at a good level! My plants don't seem to pearl though. Is it only some types of plants that do this? or should they all pearl? My polysperma has grown 15 inches within a week :D
  20. G

    Jen's 90 Gallon Tank

    Brilliant tank Jen nice colours! Can I ask what bubble rate you use for such a big tank? What sort of diffuser are you using? The lotus plant is brilliant
  21. G

    My First Tank Ever

    yeah it will grow in most gravels. the roots will spread around underneath. If you really wanted to go the works you could buy special gravels like flourite which is iron and potassium enriched, but that's for when you wanna do the works. it's best to remove the plants from the cotton wall so...
  22. G


    if you don't have all the stuff needed for plants then you wanna start off with easy growers that don't require much light. polysperma amazon sword java moss java fern some crypts the moss could grow over some of the wood n cave stuff. most fish like plants so it would be cool. if you have...
  23. G

    My 1st Tank

    nice tank 8) . the platy's seem to be enjoying themselves. the pakistani loach must like the cave :good: I think you could get away with more water as they'll still be enough surface movement maybe one more plant in there, put that one on the left at the back and a small fern in place of it...
  24. G

    Heres My Male

    kribs are lovely. I bought one for my tank but the nano ciclids and bolivian ram tried to beat him up too much. Lovely fish you have there. great colour :good:
  25. G

    My First Tank Ever

    try hide the heater behind the plants :good: . If you can get some java moss or easy growing carpet, that would look brilliant growing all over stonehenge not sure if you're gonna take out the plants from the pots. that'll let the roots grow into the substrate :good: my experience with...
  26. G

    Me New Tank

    is that the siamese algae eaters? i got 5 of them now. if you meant the denison barbs then I only have one :( . I need to save up a bit before I buy a couple more. Denison barbs here are a bit pricey!
  27. G

    Ammonia Levels Just Dont Go Down Quick Enough

    the chlorine added to the tank may have killed the bacteria who were trying to start the filter. Or the ammonia in the chloramine could be more than the new bacteria colony can handle.
  28. G

    Ammonia Levels Just Dont Go Down Quick Enough

    Are you putting any dechlorinator in? if you are then that could be making it take ages What I would do is buy some beneficial bacteria, pour loads of the bottle in towards the intake of the filter. it helps get the process going a bit quicker. good luck with it :)
  29. G

    Ballon Molly Bugging Sailfin

    i'm pretty sure it's some sort of mating ritual. My sailfins do it to each other and old ones used to as well. not owned baloon mollies here though, i assume they're doing it to the sailfin for the same reason. someone might move this to the livebearer section to help you more :good:
  30. G

    Cycling - Done Or Not?

    check the amonia and nitrite levels. if they both read 0 then they're being coverted into nitrates, which is a good sign. a good biological filter shouldn't return any traces of either amonia or nitrite. nitrates are ok as long as they don't get too high. your plants will like a bit of nitrates
  31. G

    Gold Gourami?

    I have a gold gourami, and he has quite a personality on him. He is kept with several different community fish. We did have a paradise gourami but he got a tumor :( The gold gourami's are cool, but then ours seems to be the "boss" of the tank. Also, we had dwarf gourami's but they died...
  32. G

    Planted Tank Newbie Journal

    i think i'm on 130 bubbles a minute here without any pearling. it's been about 5-6 days now. hard to say if the plants are growing, maybe they are and i'm blind :rolleyes:
  33. G

    Planted Tank Newbie Journal

    Great tank mate :good: . Is that polysperma in the background (the stuff which is almost touching the top) I have the stuff here and it grows so bloody fast! :hey: I've had the pressurised co2 for about 5 days. Yet to notice a huge difference just yet
  34. G


    i'm using no air stone here. the filter is an eheim classic 2215, and a small aquaclear (forget which model) Also using a red sea reactor 500 tank size 55 gallon (if that helps!)
  35. G


    I turn my co2 over night to save some! is the PH meant to go down slowly with the co2 on? someone told me the ph is meant to go down a full point by the hour. dunno if it's true!
  36. G


    Hello all I got a silly question about co2 levels in my tank. The KH is 8, and when I wake up the PH is 7.5. co2 level 7ppm. I do a rate of 130 bubbles a minute and by the night is over I get it around 6.9-7.0 PH, which gives me between 24-30ppm co2. Does that mean I'm not getting the right...
  37. G

    Me New Tank

    :blush: oops forgot too. A great algae eating fish :good: 3 of my Siamese Algae Eaters have somehow died though :angry: Someone mentioned that the Denison Barb (in one of the pics) is related to the flying fox. Dunno if it's true!
  38. G

    Me New Tank

    Thanks to everyones replies :good: . I'll update soon enough! I use a regular background purchased from the LFS. One side is blue and one side is black. It's pretty cheap, just a couple of quid. ps: You should support Spurs :good:
  39. G

    Me New Tank

    I'm back for an update. Thanks to everyones advice. A few weeks after I done the initial post. I changed the substrate to 100% flourite Me misses weren't fond of the black background at first, so we had blue for quite a while. This is a few months after... Various plants, blue background...
  40. G

    Co2 Ph Kh Help Please

    I just started the pressuried as well. You want your PH to turn to 7.0 to give you a reading of 28ppm co2. I reckon 60-90 bubbles per minute will be good. Just check on the fish to see how they're doing. I have a 55 gallon tank doing 130 bubbles a minute which gets me around where I want it...