My First Tank Ever


Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2006
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South Africa
Hi guys (and girls). My first tank ever is finally finished and ready for some fish!. The plants must still grow a bit. Its a 25gal, all real plants. Tell me what u think!

Here is some more


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Looks really good, what fish are you expecting to put in there?
Im thinking of a neon tank with 2 dwarf gourami. Or maybe some yellow labs, but then i can only like put 2 in. Any suggestions is welcome
well if you want neons i would deffinatly stay away from the yellow labs they come from another part of the world and like a higher ph than neons. (and of course they may eat them) But if you were going for colorful and active fish you could get a little school of tiger barbs.

P.S. nice tank
i didnt mean to put them together. I know i cant really put 2 (or any other number) angels in, but is there any chance i can, hav any of u done it before or seen someone done it?
Why have you got the heater so high up? If water evaporates without a top up that heater will soon be exposed to the air and may potentially explode. You want it positioned in the middle of the tank or next to the flow of the filter at a diagonal, or horizontal, so that the heat disipates the best.

try hide the heater behind the plants :good: .

If you can get some java moss or easy growing carpet, that would look brilliant growing all over stonehenge

not sure if you're gonna take out the plants from the pots. that'll let the roots grow into the substrate :good:

my experience with dwarf gouramis isn't good, i hope it goes well for you.

I hope you choose the right fish and you enjoy your tank :)

I recently got a 25 gallon tank too an done what you did (stonehenge and plants) . I went for a bizarre type tank. Bolivian ram, two nano cichlids, one male siamese fighting fish, 5 african dwarf frogs, 4 amano shrimp. They're all very happy together (brought up at the same time)

the only thing now is i can't introduce any other fish as they all enjoy their own teritory :hey:
I like the rockwork... I don't believe male dwarf gouramis get along well.. but I'm not 100% positive on that..

You could probably keep 10 or 12 neons in there with a dwarf gourami..

The heater deal might become dangerous if the water level drops... and with it being so hot, in my tanks at least, water evaporates really quick.. so you might want to put it closer to the gravel just to be safe.

I like the look of the tank though.. looks good :good:
I can't believe that the nickname 'vis' wasn't taken yet! Kinda wondering why I didn't pick it myself actually :p
As for the tank, I like it! I do agree that java moss would look absolutely lovely on the rock formation, to make it a bit more natural rather than have clean white rocks stand out like it does now. Though, over time it will probably have some algae grow on it to make it blend in more anyway.

I think I'd also get some long plants to go around the back of the tank to break up the emptyness on the top a bit. Maybe amazon swords or something?
I tried to get java moss but it is impossible to find here in south africa. Im stil looking for more plants (and money) and thanks for the info on the heater. Can i remove the plants from the pot, will it grow in that gravel?
I tried to get java moss but it is impossible to find here in south africa. Im stil looking for more plants (and money) and thanks for the info on the heater. Can i remove the plants from the pot, will it grow in that gravel?

yeah it will grow in most gravels. the roots will spread around underneath. If you really wanted to go the works you could buy special gravels like flourite which is iron and potassium enriched, but that's for when you wanna do the works.

it's best to remove the plants from the cotton wall so the roots spread as well (stuff the plant is wrapped in)

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