Female Betta Vid


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Video of my female betta in the 55 gallon. I had to move her because she was beating up my male one :sad:


If anyone can tell me how to put the video in a post instead of just a link I'd be most grateful. Hope you like me Betta
I think the only way to attach a vid is through a link...

Yep, as you have discovered the hard way, male bettas can't be kept with other bettas of either gender. :/ Bettas do best on their own. :) She is a real cutie, anyway. Lovely colours!
no you can embed a video (maybe not on these forums) but this forum has html switched off so you need to use bb code
Not sure on how to use BB code :(

Thanks for the comment on the Betta. She is a gooden. I'd love to breed them one day but the male seems to be more interested in playing in the amazon swords

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