Me New Tank


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
55 gallon fresh water tank with real plants :)



Inherited from girlfriends brother. Everything has been changed apart from the gravel
Tank looks ok but if you changed the background to a nice plain black background im sure you will be pleasently suprised as the one you have is a coral reef background.
Tank looks ok but if you changed the background to a nice plain black background im sure you will be pleasently suprised as the one you have is a coral reef background.

i agree a fresh water tank with a marine background just doesnt seam right to me
Tank looks ok but if you changed the background to a nice plain black background im sure you will be pleasently suprised as the one you have is a coral reef background.

i agree a fresh water tank with a marine background just doesnt seam right to me

I also agree i think you should change the background to a black or blue one or a planted background, Then i would change the gravel white gravel IMO is poor get some sand in there and i promise the look will be fantastic maybe get some more bogwood.

Nice tank!! 8)

I notice you have a green-floating fake jellyfish! My LFS has those and i've always wondered - are they just for display or do they serve a purpose?? :/
Timmy, I have always wondered the same lmao.

The tank looks pretty good :good:

But as stated above there is defo room for improvement. Your tank has serious potencial.
Thanks to everyone for their comments and saying what could be improved and stuff!

Me girlfriend did mention the background needed a change - so that's a must!

more wood will go in deffo

the sand part which someone mentioned, I'll have to read up on how to change it or how to go about it. i'm a bit daft/clumsy at the moment. I like the look of black/orange gravel also! :D

I think the Jellyfish is just for show, my black sailfin molly is fascinated by it and loves to headbutt it! The clown loaches like to barge it out the way too when playing with each other :good:

I'll add more pics when things develop.

Thanks again!
I'm back for an update. Thanks to everyones advice.
A few weeks after I done the initial post. I changed the substrate to 100% flourite
Me misses weren't fond of the black background at first, so we had blue for quite a while.

This is a few months after...

Various plants, blue background, clown loach hiding in his cave


Another picture of the substrate with two clowns showing off. Also a very fat Red Coral Platy :hey:


Not a great picture. It shows a Jungle co2 system -we started getting into plants as you can see.
We also listened to one of you's advice and stuck a big chunk of driftwood in. The fish love it!


These pictures were about 3 weeks ago. As you can see the black background finally has played a part :good: :hey:

Looks great with the plants. Brings out the green.

Full tank shot. A little cloudy in there


My wonderful Black Sailfin Molly, two Clown Loaches and a Bosemani Rainbow.
The plants have grown a bit as you can see


Denison barb, Rainbows, Tetras, even a plec can be seen. A nice claypot is there now too!


Last week we got a pressurised co2 system so that has changed
Also changed from Aquaclear filters to an Eheim 2215 Classic
The Jellyfish has now gone. Due to the White Sailfin commiting suicide
All this will be updated in my next post!
Any comments welcomed :)
i much prefer the black back gorund , can i ask what you used for that? im usein g a black bin liner atm and its not great :(
your fish look well happy and the plants are doing great, keep up the good work :good:

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