Tiny Dark Spots On Java Fern


Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
Here's a photo:

If you look closely, you can see that the leaves have tiny lines, marking the surface off into irregularly-shaped segments, and that each segment has a tiny dark spot in its centre. The spots appear to be on the top surface of the leaves.

I've had these 2 small Java Ferns for a couple of months, and I didn't notice these tiny spots before yesterday, and I'm pretty sure they weren't there before.

Five days ago, I pulled the ferns out of my tank, to rearrange the aquascape. At that time, I trimmed off several leaves that were infested with staghorn algae, and then they sat in a bucket of water for 3 days. They went back into the tank the day before yesterday, attached to a new piece of Malaysian driftwood. Then I noticed these dark spots.

These spots, and the segmented leaf surface, remind me a little of the pores in some species of liverwort: http://www.botany.ubc.ca/bryophyte/conocephalum.html But if they are normal pores, why did they only just appear now? Is something wrong with these plants?

Thanks in advance! :)
The spots look too regular for a disease so I wouldn't mind betting that the plant is getting ready to reproduce by producing spores. These look like little rusty or black spots on the underside of the leaves. I personally think this is a sign of the plant gearing up to produce the little capsules that produce the spores, but I don't know for sure. Anyone got any other ideas?
I am pretty sure its a lack in either pottasium,nitrate or sulphur.

I don't know how to test for Pottasium or Sulphur, but my Nitrate's okay.
I should have posted my WQ stats before, so maybe this will help:
Temp: 25 C
pH: 7.2
NH3-4: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 7.5 ppm
KH: 80 ppm (4.5 dH)
GH: 75 ppm (4.2 dH)
PO4: 0.5 ppm

I'm favouring Bufo Bill's idea, since there seems to be exactly one spot per segment. That just looks too "natural" for a disease or nutrient deficiency, but I'm far from a plant expert.

Any other opinions?
I have the same thing forming on mine. It's a little further along though and the spots are larger. Along the root sysyem new shoots are appearing and in some of the spots I can barely see what looks like little plants forming. Maybe they are the beginning of new plants. I've left the plant alone to see what happens. Could be your plant is getting ready to reproduce.
I've had java fern in my tank for nearly 3 years now and it seems to go though cycles. Nice fresh green growth / black spots / some leaves turn brown and die off / new sprouts or plantlets. IME it's normal and nothing to be concerned about. As Bufo Bill posted, this could be indicative of reproduction.
Thanks Madmom and Griz. So, I might be a Fern Daddy, eh?!

I've had houseplants and garden veggies go into flower, in response to a stress or change (like drying, heat, or light regime change). Lettuce "bolting" in summer heat is a common one. It's a self-preservation tactic, I've heard. These Java Ferns have definitely had stress/change (into the unheated bucket, then back into the tank), so I guess this is what's happening.

Can't wait to see the cute widdle baby ferns! :wub:
What nutrients are you adding and how many WPG do you have?

It don't look very bad, but looks like it could be missing some extra nutrients
I don't think this is a sign of a lack of nutrients. I would favour the plant reproduction idea as I java ferns do produce plantlets on their leaves. Just leave it be for the time being and see what happens! Then let everyone else know the result :)

Geezer, there are 2 wpg, and I have Flourish Tabs in plain gravel, and I add 2 ml of liquid Flourish 2 or 3 times per week. No CO2, just TLC. :)
I'm thinking of adding Flourish Potassium, since I've read that potassium is often in short supply in tanks.

Themuleous, I'll be waiting and watching, and will update here, if anything amazing happens!
Hey Wet Coaster;
Any news on the baby fern front yet? Mine now have little sprouts about 1/4-1/2 inch long.

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