My 1st Tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Hi all!!

Ive decided to post pics of my 1st tank.

Enjoy and please let me know what you think?

Totally beats my first tank :good:

I like how the rock in the centre is the same colour as the gravel.. it just works, nice job ;)
Thx all!

Im thinking of trying a different tipe of light.I have the bug yes.

Also any suggestions anybody have to improve tank will be creatly accepted.

beautiful! i would add a little more water to the top though... just for good measure. :nod:
Thx fetish.

The funny thing is that last night I actually did top it up just under the full mark.The reason im keping little space is that i use the falling water from teh filter to provide oxygen in the water and the space give it some time to speed up and capture air.HEHE....THX
It looks like your bogwood is staining your water, totally harmless to fish and i actually like the 'blackwater' look. If you want to get rid of it then run some carbon in your filter. But a very nice tank :good:
:D Hey!

THX, well I cooked the wood for over a week but then decided gonna add it anyway as most of the stuff came out.I am running carbon in the filter but not that much.I bought new big 500 liter an Hour power filter so it should clear up soon.Tank turnover rate is about 8 times a hour now.

I also like the more darker water.A fish tank for me needs to be as close as natural as you can get it.Putting in collored lights and stuff makes it look fake.People have different views of this.

Thx for your post!! :)
nice tank 8) . the platy's seem to be enjoying themselves. the pakistani loach must like the cave :good:

I think you could get away with more water as they'll still be enough surface movement

maybe one more plant in there, put that one on the left at the back and a small fern in place of it. up to you though! it looks good as it is :good:
Thank you!
Well I planted some more plpants over the weeekend and also placed 1 or 2 small rocks.

Must say looks much better.



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