Ballon Molly Bugging Sailfin


New Member
Aug 4, 2006
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Prince George, B.C
Hi, i am faily new to keeping fish. I have had my 25 gallon tank for about 5 months though and just recently added one Sailfin Molly. I already had two Ballon Mollies in the tank and now they are constantly chasing the Sailfin around now. He is triple their size but they seem very interested in his stomach for some reason and just wont leave it alone. I just got the sailfin and i dont want to have to get rid of him. Any help would be appreciated.
i'm pretty sure it's some sort of mating ritual. My sailfins do it to each other and old ones used to as well.

not owned baloon mollies here though, i assume they're doing it to the sailfin for the same reason.

someone might move this to the livebearer section to help you more :good:

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