

Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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Hello all

I got a silly question about co2 levels in my tank. The KH is 8, and when I wake up the PH is 7.5. co2 level 7ppm.

I do a rate of 130 bubbles a minute and by the night is over I get it around 6.9-7.0 PH, which gives me between 24-30ppm co2.

Does that mean I'm not getting the right co2 because it only reaches it within the last hour?

Do I crank it up so it reaches 6.9 PH, and then reduce the bubble count?

Or keep it how it is and work down the low PH?

unsure on how instant the PH must drop, or how long I should take before reducing
The idea is to maintain a consistent level of CO2. You seem to be losing a lot of CO2 overnight, so you need to figure out why.

Are you switching the CO2 off over night?
What type of filter do you have running?
Are you using an airstone at all?
I turn my co2 over night to save some!

is the PH meant to go down slowly with the co2 on?

someone told me the ph is meant to go down a full point by the hour.

dunno if it's true!
Yes, the pH will drop gradually as it takes time for the CO2 to be absorbed into the water and affect the pH.

What type of filter do you have running?
Are you using an airstone at all?
i'm using no air stone here. the filter is an eheim classic 2215, and a small aquaclear (forget which model)

Also using a red sea reactor 500

tank size 55 gallon (if that helps!)

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