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    yes they do look a little fluffy. what could it be?
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    i bought 6 harlequin rasboras last week and one died everyday for 3 days. I have 3 left now but one of them has a 1mm dianeter white mark on his right gill and another has the same white mark on one of his fins. Wha could this be, they have been in my quarentine tank along with 2 bn plecs since...
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    New Tank

    Fluval 305 got put in today and have taken out the interal filter. Stored away in the cupboard as a backup (hope i never need it) In a little dept at the moment so the tank is coming together very slowly. Got 6 harlequin rasboras and 2 bn plecs in my quarentine tank and put spere media (from...
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    Which Extenal

    just went out and bought the fluval 305. was a choice between that or the rena filstar xp2. My tank is coming together slowly, should have fish in there in a few weeks
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    Which Extenal

    need an external filter for my 55g tank and have about £80 to spend. what would you guys recomend
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    Aquarium Web Site
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    Do I Need An Air Stone 210l Tank

    if you have plenty of surface movemet from your filter, you will not need anair stone. The only time you need an air stone is for decoration or for oxygenating water during medication
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    will try, cheers JD
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    ok, taken the pecies out and put them to soak in hot water for a bit. got 2 bm plecs in there and dont know if its harmful. hopeit doesn't come back too much yes, looks awful. makes it look like i don't look after my tank :(
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    Medusa Plec

    thanks ghent :) :)
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    fungus/mould growing on my mopani wood, why is this???
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    Medusa Plec

    4 inches about
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    Medusa Plec

    i plan to keep 12 harlequin rasboras 2 rams 2 bn catfish 8 serpae tetra 2 kissing gourami would a medusa plec fit into the equasion fluval 1200 4ft 55g us JD
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    had a feeling that would happen with the kribs, don't fancy just the 2 fish in there though. Cats it is then i think thanks d_g
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    I have emptied my 20g of all fish bar my 3 cory cats and can't decide what to do. Choices are: 1. 8 cory cats and a breeding pair of kribensis 2. a mixture of 6corydoras, 3 ottos, 4 upside down cat fish and a bn catfish What do you think would be more striking tank??? JD
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    Bbc Planet Earth

    i missed it but the repeats on saturday bbc2 at 7.10
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    Harlequin Rasboras

    woke up this morning and one was floating in the quarantine tank :(
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    Harlequin Rasboras

    just got back from the lsf with 6 harlequin rasboras and two have had their fins nipped, top half of one tail and the bottom half of another. will they eventualy grow back?? thanks JD
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    Platty And Swordtail

    i woke up this morning and noticed that there seems to be a small chunk of my platties tailmissing and the last 4mm of my swords tail had a few white spots on it and is at a different angle to the rest of the tail ( pointing up slightly) what could be the cause of this ??? 55g tank 6 cherry...
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    Want A Change

    i fancy a change in my 20 gallon tank. If i were to put in a pair of kribensis to breed what would i be able to put in the tank with them that will not affect/interupt their breeding. I also want to change back to a fine gravel so i wont be able to put corydoras in with themas i had hoped so...
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    What Would You Get

    woohoo, hope none of my choices conflict with each other though!!
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    What Would You Get

    4 rams 2 bristlenose cats 10 serpae tetras 2 kissing gourami 2 petricola 2 gobies d you think that would be too much in a 4ft tank?
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    What Would You Get

    how small. i dont want to overcrowd my tank.
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    What Would You Get

    just had a look at the perricola. they look lovely! So many choices 4 rams 2 bristlenose cats 10 serpae tetras 2 kissing gourami 1 petricola 2 gobies i want all of these now. hehe dont think an african knife fish would fit in aswell tho :( getting a bit full me thinks
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    What Would You Get

    im almost certain to go with option b. can anyone think of a nice oddball to go with my choices 4 rams 2 bristlenose cats 10 serpae tetras 2 kissing gourami. Maybe an african knife fish and a few gobies? what do you all think? Im so excited about my tank. I can't wait to get my new filter so...
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    What Would You Get

    what would you suggest instead to the gouramis. Could i have a RTBS as the center piece
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    What Would You Get

    Option 1 2 kribs 10 serpae tetras 10 cardinal tetras 2 bristlenose cats 2 kissing gourami Option 2 4 rams 2 bristlenose cats 10 serpae tetras 2 kissing gourami Option 3 2 bristlenose cats / 8 cory julii 20 cardinal tetras 2 discus which would you prefer to stock your tank with? Option 2 is my...
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    Expensive Fish But No Quarantine Tank.

    pets at home have them if they have a store near you. they are made by peak aquatics.
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    Anyone With A Duo Deep 1000

    just looked on the internet 180 l 40 g
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    Expensive Fish But No Quarantine Tank.

    i bought my quarentine tank today after reading there posts. Started my 4ft tank and dont want any ill fish in there. Suprising how posts can influence u in the right direction
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    What To Go In 2.25 Gal Tank?

    A single betta, a few shrimp, or 2 ADF bit small for anything else really IMO.
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    Quarentine/hospital Tank

    Thanks SH, overlooked that one
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    Quarentine/hospital Tank

    need a quarentine/hospital tank, what size should i get, should i add substrate and decs etc... Where could i get a cheap tank, looked on ebay and they have an 18 inch by 10 x 10 would that be big enough??
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    New Tank

    I want to get my fluval 305 plumbed in first and get rid of the fluval 4. So maybe 2 weeks and i'll have water in there 3 weeks and i'll start planting. I can't wait. QUOTE: "B&Q have huge lumps of slate for about £4 each. (around threequarter bucket sized) Three of those would transform your...
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    What Fish Would You Buy

    BN's all the way
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    New Tank

    any advice on changing anything? Would you add anything else or take something out? Please criticise kindly. hehe
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    Best Way To Keep Diy Co2 Stable

    You can't turn a diy co2 system off, you either run an airstone or reduce the yeast in your mixture to the amount when your ottos were happy
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    New Tank

    Put my decorations in the tank today. Got one piece of mopani wood 2 terrecota pots 2 pieces of green slate 1 piece of grey slate what do you think of the setup so far. Will be planted with vallis as the backdrop, java moss on the slate (far left) and a carpet in front of the terracota pot...
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    Which Wood Would You Choose For A Fish Tank Stand?

    Im pretty sure pine is a very soft wood, don't think it would be strong enough
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    New Tank

    never tried itbefore but from what i've read can be a bit of a pain changing the diy solution evry 5 days. Plus more test kits to but. No water in the tank yet so i've yet to try it out