Expensive Fish But No Quarantine Tank.

I was one of the I don't QT crowd until this year. I got some fish from a LFS that I trust who had had these fish for over 2 months. I took them home and put the in the tank only to see the next day a open ulcer on the side of one of the fish. I pulled the fish right then from the tank and Qted them for 3 weeks. I put in air and raised the temp on the main tank and did not have any problems but from now on I would QT any fish I got from anyone!
I have a quarantine tank now, after a bad doze of ich (which killed my two clown loaches), I really regret not quarantining my fish when I first got them...I now have one set up and I feel a lot more safer in doing so :) It's better having new fish in a quarantine tank for a few weeks, than do the wrong thing like me and put a new fish in (apparently healthy!) then you have to go through all treatments to fix it - or in a seriouse case like mine, fish could die :-(

I now see that a quarantine tank is a must-have, it's better to be safe than sorry ....

Just my experience though :p
I agree that QT is a good idea. One question though. If you use something like Bio Spira so you don't have to add fish slowly and your setting up a large tank...how would you go about QTing them? Seems kinda impractical.
Many people run a spare small filter in their one tank for use in a QT tanks :)
i bought my quarentine tank today after reading there posts. Started my 4ft tank and dont want any ill fish in there.

Suprising how posts can influence u in the right direction
I am in the process of buying the equipment for a hospital/quarantine tank but cannot find a 18x12x12inch glass tank anywhere. no one stocks em. any suggestions? i live in yorkshire near leeds, uk
thanks, did not think of looking there as just discounted them due to item not probably being a big seller.
I can't imagine how crummy I would feel if I added disease into my 15 month old 46 G. My rainbowfish have grown and are just beautiful. I have three white skirts since inception, all three of which survived ich during startup, beautiful Congo tetras. I can't see ANY reason why someone would gamble 15 months of work and TLC away and toss in a fish from an LFS simply because it 'looked OK'.

If this post doesn't help, I'll welcome ANYONE here to help tackle the posts in the Emergency section. They are some of the most DIFFICULT threads to answer. You don't want to post there if possible. QT. SH
If this post doesn't help, I'll welcome ANYONE here to help tackle the posts in the Emergency section. They are some of the most DIFFICULT threads to answer. You don't want to post there if possible. QT. SH

I agree it very hard, and members are not always forcoming with information, quarantine is th best way to go.
I like to see fish live years not weeks.
well, lucky for me, my lfs quarantines fish that cost over 10 dollars for me :thumbs:

Edit: oh yeah, i dont quarantine either because i have no extra tanks. seems like a waste just to have an extra tank lying around
I wouldn't trust no lfs, as they haven't got the time on most small fish, as it would cost them to much.
In and out with most lfs.
I'm sorry that's why there is so much medical problems through aggrogant fish keepers who cant be bothered to do the fish keeping job properly.
It takes alot of care and patience to be a good owner of fish, soon as i buy a fish i'm responsible for their welfare, and i go to extreme lengths to keep there tanks healthy, them happy and a good varied diet.
I personally have not had my quarentine tank set up since we moved although, admittedly, I have not brought any new fish since we moved either :lol:

While some of us who are thought of as "experienced" fishkeepers may get away with not quarentining 99.9% of the time, it is not something I would personally advocate to the beginner (or the advanced aquarist for that matter) as it only takes one time to bugger your favourite tank.

I have to agree wholeheartedly with SH on this one. *Quarentine, save yourself some heartache :thumbs:

*I know it sounds like some crappy slogan from a bumper sticker but you get the point :lol:
noone answered my question unless I missed it. If your buying 50 fish in a day from 10 different places how do you quarantine? or do you bother. This is an extreme example. Basically how do you quarantine if you are adding an entire bioload at once if the fish come from different sources.
I've bought 50+ fish in one day at an auction several times. Mostly small corys & plecs, a few platys here & there. Since they are from several sources they go in a tank together, as long as they all are compatable. Sometimes it takes a couple of tanks. This is why I keep a few spare tanks on hand, and multiple filters running on all tanks. Fill a 20, float some bags, add a couple hob & sponge filters & let it rip.

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