What Would You Get


Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Cardiff, UK
Option 1
2 kribs
10 serpae tetras
10 cardinal tetras
2 bristlenose cats
2 kissing gourami

Option 2
4 rams
2 bristlenose cats
10 serpae tetras
2 kissing gourami

Option 3
2 bristlenose cats / 8 cory julii
20 cardinal tetras
2 discus

which would you prefer to stock your tank with? Option 2 is my favourite but i just can't decide.

tank is a fluval 1200
47.5 UK Gallons
57 US Gallons

Jon :)
option 1 because they are cool fish that i have never had :no:
ive always wanted kribs :nod:
im almost certain to go with option b. can anyone think of a nice oddball to go with my choices

4 rams
2 bristlenose cats
10 serpae tetras
2 kissing gourami.

Maybe an african knife fish and a few gobies?
what do you all think?

Im so excited about my tank. I can't wait to get my new filter so i can start planting and stocking!!!!!
id add some species of syno cat though.petricola are my new fav fish

just had a look at the perricola. they look lovely!
So many choices

4 rams
2 bristlenose cats
10 serpae tetras
2 kissing gourami
1 petricola
2 gobies

i want all of these now. hehe

dont think an african knife fish would fit in aswell tho :( getting a bit full me thinks
you will need atleast 2 petricola and they stay small.females only reach abot 4 inches males less

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