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  1. J

    Extra 75 Gallon

    Hey everyone. Just took a break for a while from buying new tanks. Finally bought another 75 gallon. I do not know what to do with it. I thought about making it a planted koi angel tank but i want opinions. I have the appropriate lighting for this tank to go planted. 2 VHO trichromatic 110w...
  2. J

    I need more lighting

    yes you could use that, no problem with using them. If you need more light because you have plants, get daylight bulbs with a kelvin temp at 6500k. HTH
  3. J

    Waterproofing my canopy.

    Okay. I have just got back from vacation, I want to know the best way about water proofing the inside of my canopy. I was looking at different Epoxy paints and just thought I'd ask here first before I do something I may regret later. What do you guys suggest I do/use.
  4. J

    Can anyone ID this plant?

    i cant identify the carpet but the grass like plant looks like hairgrass, and the plant on the left is eustrallis stellata(sp)
  5. J

    Eheim 2217

    Thanks CathyG. I really appreciate it. I just tested it all out on a 30 gallon to see if everything worked and it was a seccess. I will put it on my new 75 gallon once I have it filled.
  6. J

    29 gal tank

    What is it on your gravel?
  7. J

    Eheim 2217

    Also what is the part in images 5 and 6. what does it do and where does it go?
  8. J

    Eheim 2217

    Okay here is pics of my eheim 2217. Can some one tell me if it is all setup correctly? I broke one of the suction disk clips on the spraybar(will replace) but works and holds just fine without it. Here we go.
  9. J

    Eheim 2217

    I need to know how to hook it all up. I have the media and all. Please help. Instructions included were just part descriptions.
  10. J


    umm. neither. after they are used for a while they are thrown out. She is also the manager.
  11. J


    I have almost finished and got everything I need. All thats left is final touch ups on my stand/canopy, get plants/fish, and find a co2 tank. I am creating a 75 gallon planted tank and I need to know how to get my co2 regulator and solenoid on a co2 tank. Does it matter what kind of tank? I...
  12. J

    Discus VS mp3 player? Or maybe darts.

    I've wasted 200 bucks on a dart, and poker room for me and my friends. I now have in the foosball table (sp), darts, ping pong, xbox, and poker table with 32" tv with stereo system/surround sound. Im 17 so me and alot of buds from school and football party/crasch down there over the weekends...
  13. J

    Stocking a 75g

    wtf. i fish for talapi off the coast of california. good eats :)
  14. J


    Eheim ProII 2128
  15. J

    Fish is stuck

    I would have got a small saw with fine blade, sawed down a bit. the cracked it open with a soft hit rather than crushin the ornament. You could have siliconed it back too :) Sorry about your fishy. Hope he makes it. Add anti-fungal meds and melafix. This saved my Oscar while back and his open...
  16. J

    New MACRO PICS : Check 'em out !!!

    Regarding Your Website: The link to your convicts pix shows up in the left frame and not on the right. Just thought I'd let you know.
  17. J

    My Plant Selection

    Maybe if I ask my new LFS to see about ordering some. I know they can get my anubias, moss, and riccia as I've seen it there. I just cant find my other plants. Those are the only ones I want and lots of them. It is the look I want 100%.
  18. J

    My Plant Selection

    I know exactly what plants I want for my new tank. The problem is I cannot find them anywhere. I've looked in-store, and I looked at If someone could help me or give me ideas can you please post them here. My plant list are as follows. The ones in red are what I can get...
  19. J

    Baby Guppies

    thx guys/gals. Was just curious
  20. J

    Pit Bull ban in Ontario...

    It's wrong I say. I own three pureblood rednose pits. Gentle and playful and wouldn't hurt a thing. They are all trained and I work them out but not to make them mean. Strong and built. Anydog can be taught to be mean. Breed doesn't mean anything.
  21. J

    Yay new tank

    Cool stuff man. i like the plant on the wood. More wood tough. How much lighting is over the tank? Anyways cool pix
  22. J

    what type of sand should i get?

    Don't use sand from the beach. It contains salt and most likely is polluted with something. Go get some playsand from a lowes or home depot. It like $2.60USD. Or you can get Onyx sand, its black and looks really cool.
  23. J

    filter feeding shrimp

    cool shots konrad :cool:
  24. J

    A picture of my tank

    That would make a killer Malawi tank. Small java ferns would look cool and your rocks are perfect for caves and hideouts.
  25. J


    paint thinner would work, but i prefer using a razor blade tool. Strips it right off and havent scratched a single tank yet. Actually I lied. I shaved a piece of trim off on the top of my 15 gallon :(. Just used the regular krylon fusion spray paint in cobalt blue, and black. Favorite two colors :)
  26. J

    New Tank

    I will have all schematics on my site once I get the rest of my supplies in. I just ordered my eheim 2217 and got my eco-complete. I should do some site updates as my stand has been stained, finished, and my canopy needs waterproofing. I need to start picking out plants. I have to wait until...
  27. J


    Awesome, about time too. Your tank looks much better.
  28. J

    Meet the proud mother and father!!

    very cool man. :cool: good luck!
  29. J

    Baby Guppies

    I have a few guppy fry. My females are definately showing a gravid spot. They look just like their mom. They are only around 1 month old. Normal?
  30. J

    Lighting for an 18 gallon tall aquarium

    all glass. 6500k is better for plants.
  31. J

    New Tank...YAY

    I guess there are 400w 6500k MH bulbs. Check this link out and browse the site. Got some really cool stuff., HTH
  32. J

    New Tank...YAY

    14,000K bulbs arent going to do you much good on your tank if its going to be planted. 5500-6700K is what you should look for. I don't know if they make 400 watt MH in 6500k. I could be wrong. I'll look some stuff up for you.
  33. J

    My New Betta!

    nice betta. :cool:
  34. J

    My new stand! Updated pics!

    It looks nice. What will be going on this stand? :kewlpics:
  35. J

    New Tank...YAY

    If your going to do a planted 195 gallon tank, how are you going to light that sucker up. The only way I could think of would be slap on metal halide pendants if budget permits it. :) that would be awesome.
  36. J

    what could go in a 5 gal?

    to chkltcow sorry. I thought you meant the 4pin fluoro bulbs from AGA. My mistake. Yes the bulbs you posted will work. 5000k-6700k bulbs are most useful to plants. 10,000k bulbs are better for SW coral. I think the 50/50 bulbs you posted would make things look too blue. Im not familiar with...