Fish is stuck

I would have got a small saw with fine blade, sawed down a bit. the cracked it open with a soft hit rather than crushin the ornament. You could have siliconed it back too :)

Sorry about your fishy. Hope he makes it. Add anti-fungal meds and melafix. This saved my Oscar while back and his open wounds healed rather quickly. You need to have Pristine water conditons as an infection can set it. Move him to a quarantine tank with bare bottom, dim lights, and dark background if you have one. helps with stress.
if that dont work wait for him to fie
because i wouldnt brake a castle ornament.

Are you saying you'd rather have the fish die than destroy the ornament? -_-

Do you have an isolation tank as keeping him in the main tank will only stress him and he needs to be kept in excellent water and something added to prevent infection as a stressed fish is generaly quite weak and won't be able to deal with disease or infection.
grayshark said:
I would try and pull him out with my fingers if that dont work wait for him to fie :-(
because i wouldnt brake a castle ornament.
You're a sad sad person. :/

What a sad story, I just hope that fish makes it. :/
grayshark said:
I would try and pull him out with my fingers if that dont work wait for him to fie :-(
because i wouldnt brake a castle ornament.
You're kidding right? :unsure: Severums are great fish that can become very personal to their owners. On top of that, any life is more important than a fake ornament -_-
i hope the sev makes it :flowers:

what i do when my fish get stuck in something is that i lift it to the top and once they realize they wont be able "to breath" they will imidiatly fall down.


Sorry this happened Cat :/ I hope he pulls through too :wub:

Personally I'd take a hammer to my tank if it would save on of my fishies...can't think of what would warrent that, just proving a point...poorly :look:
I don't remember what this tool is called by I bought it at the craft store for five dollars. It has a handle with a metal curved tip. I believe its for wood burning. Plug it in and the tip heats up real hot. I've cut a straight line through metal with this thing. Maybe for the future that could be used for fishy mishaps. :)
i just had a similar problem as you cat, 1 of my Corie's got himself wedged in the bottom hole in a flower pot i had in my tank, i decided to pull him out, he lost some of his top fin and scraped up his belly and after he was out he just kind of floated there but the next day he was back to normal swimming around routing through the sand for food

i hope he/she pulls through
I found it dead this morning :/ it had gone through to much,it had been stuck in that castle over night then i was trying to pull it out,in the end dad had to hit it twice with the hammer to free it,it was badly bruised all over and breathing very heavy,after we got it out i put it in a small tank in the dark and it just lay there and died. :byebye:
Sorry to hear the news. :( :(

Its so sad it died even though you tried your best but i can only imagine how badly hurt it would of been when you freed it. :(
Oh man, that is so horrible :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

I would totally freak out if that happened to me, I can't believe that story!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :-(

I think you guys were very brave :nod:

At least the ornament will never be able to cause harm again :no:

The ornaments completely smashed,I still don't know how a fish so big got inside it.

It struggled for so long to get out,least it didn't die in it.

First when I was trying pull it out it was fighting me then i think it gave up :-(

poor little fish, I kept thinking do they feel pain.

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