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  1. G

    Could A Plant Be The Cause Of Fish Deaths?

    It wasn't boiling, really hot or unbearable water, just "above warm"? I swished them about a bit and left them in it.
  2. G

    Could A Plant Be The Cause Of Fish Deaths?

    Put them in quite hot water beforehand for about 5 mins and then repeated it again. One of them is darting about a bit, the other is just clamped up. I've removed the plants and have added carbon, just doing a water change now.
  3. G

    Could A Plant Be The Cause Of Fish Deaths?

    Just doing it, I've got plenty of black carbon. ^_^ Will do The Temp was exactly the same. All together I bought 6 plants, 2 of which are the same and I put them in the 2.5 Gallon. The other fish in the tank with the new plants are absolutely fine and the plants were all in the same tank in...
  4. G

    Could A Plant Be The Cause Of Fish Deaths?

    I recently bought some plants from a LFS, they were in the aquatic plants section with rows of different aquarium plants. I put two of these similar looking plants into a 2.5 gallon. I added a betta to the tank (Cycled and heated) from a 5 Gal, acclimated him properly and put him in. He died 24...
  5. G

    Runaway Plant In Betta Tank

    You could buy those sucker pad things and attach the 'stem' part of the plant to them. Then just secure it to the bottom of the tank and cover the pad with gravel.
  6. G

    Help With Sick Betta - Update With Recovery Pics

    I read an excellent article on Ich in a magazine I picked up when I was on holiday in the US last year. I'll quickly type it up, I think you might find it useful. Might be worth the read. It's quite heavy on the sciency stuff, but It helped me get a better understanding of Ich. Sick of Ich By...
  7. G

    Betta Laying On Its Side? - He Didn't Make It =[

    He's now gone really rigid and his fins are clamped up. I removed the two live plants and he's still lifeless though he did swim quickly to the surface for air then swam back to the bottom. Could it be swimbladder?
  8. G

    I Know Male Bettas Shouldn't Be Kept With Neon's

    I was going to put my female with 6 Cardinals, but won't if you guys think I shouldn't.
  9. G

    Betta Laying On Its Side? - He Didn't Make It =[

    He was in a 5 gallon for a day and night and then I moved him over to the 2.5g. I think the heater was on full heat over night. I also used a different 25 watt heater in the 2.5 before that didn't bring it over 28C because it didn't have a temp adjuster. This new heater does. The current water...
  10. G

    Betta Laying On Its Side? - He Didn't Make It =[

    My friend recently bought me some Cardinal Tetras for my birthday so I moved my new Betta into a spare 2.5 gallon I have. It's filtered and heated with a 25w, Checked the water for ammonia and the reading said there was none. He seemed fine last night and the water temp was around the 25C mark...
  11. G

    My First Batch Of Wrigglers!

    Oh what great names! King Henry & Coleen :lol:
  12. G

    Poor Fish

    Poor thing -_- Thats going to take some time to heal. Hold a second, is that, a male? Good lord. How is that poor thing swimming? Let us know how he gets on.
  13. G

    Won A Betta ^_^

    She's quite a heffa so I might have quite a wait. :blink: :P
  14. G

    Won A Betta ^_^

    He's just settling into his 5 Gallon, He's so tiny! :wub: and has beautiful colouring up close. Hopefully when he grows up I'll attempt to spawn him with the female. At what age do males become reproductive? Is it 4 months?
  15. G

    Scar - New Pics Added

    Love the tank its so natural. :good:
  16. G

    Ooops Me May Have Been A Bit Naughty

    Can't argue with the prices! What great additions! Can't wait to see some pics. :good:
  17. G

    How Cold Has Your Betta Bin And How Long

    Wow never knew that, you learn something everyday, thanks for the info :good:
  18. G

    Won A Betta ^_^

    "Live Animals Live animals or pets other than the exceptions noted here, may not be listed on eBay. The sales of the following items are permitted, provided that the seller guarantees in the listing that the animals will be packaged safely and posted via next day delivery. Aquarium or pond...
  19. G

    Won A Betta ^_^

    Just won this little guy on Ebay. Pretty little thing! :rolleyes: I've been told he's from half moon lines and is only 14 weeks old. Should be expecting him friday :hyper: Should then raise my Betta total to 3, 2 males one female :hyper: My collection is steadily growing!
  20. G

    How Cold Has Your Betta Bin And How Long

    I remembered the information from a page on the RSPCA website and I researched it before I answered the question. The Wiki Says: "Temperatures under about 10°C/50°F are dangerous to fancy varieties of goldfish, though commons and comets can be exposed to slightly lower temperatures without a...
  21. G

    How Cold Has Your Betta Bin And How Long

    Thats very cold for a tropical fish, 50f is about 10C at which temperature (i think) goldfish go into a slower state eating less if at all due to a slower metabolism. Did the person shipping the fish to you include a heat pack? When you do recieve your fish make sure you acclimate them even if...
  22. G

    Waiting For The "embrace", A Few Hours In...

    Well, they've spent nearly the entire day together. I released her again for a few hours and put her back in the chimney, totally forgot to put the piece of card over the top and came back an hour later to find her wandering about the rest of the tank! When she saw me she swam right up to the...
  23. G

    New Tank For Midnight.

    I like it :good:
  24. G

    Is This Fin Rot?

    Decorations really. You can always re-arrange the appearance of his tank which gives him the impression he's somewhere new :lol:. Bettas also really appreciate activity outside the tank and are very responsive to movement. Somewhere like a living room or kitchen would be a good place.
  25. G

    I Got One Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    The £4.95 ones are always the best ;] both mine were that price! Love his fins!
  26. G

    Waiting For The "embrace", A Few Hours In...

    Ok just released them this morning, lets hope they do today.
  27. G

    Omg Build A Nest Already!

    I read from someone on this forum that a good way to encourage a bubblenest is to take a spoonful of bubbles from another one of your bettas bubblenests and place it under the cup. I tried it and it works!
  28. G

    Waiting For The "embrace", A Few Hours In...

    For now, shall I just re-chimney her overnight and release her again tommorow?
  29. G

    Will This Tank Be Okay For 1 Betta?

    My main tank, was I think, about £35: 5 gallons, built in hood filter and light. The heater was £7. I picked it up from one of my local pet shops, Ask them instore if they have any deals going on.
  30. G

    Waiting For The "embrace", A Few Hours In...

    Thanks for the quick reply. Yeah, they aren't being aggressive to each other just a bit wary when they get too close. That's the thing, he isn't staying under the nest he's just roaming about, resting here and there. It would be lovely if they could just get it owwwn now!
  31. G

    Will This Tank Be Okay For 1 Betta?

    Wow, I wouldn't mind £20 a week of the fam. Keep saving for a few weeks and you could pick up a decent all included tank.
  32. G

    Waiting For The "embrace", A Few Hours In...

    Thanks for the info, I've followed it pretty much down to the letter. Admitedly, they have been sharing the same area of the tank more frequently as the hours went on, its just once he gets too close to her she swims off full pelt to the other side of the tank. They are actually swimming right...
  33. G

    Will This Tank Be Okay For 1 Betta?

    Probably not for breeding. You can pick up a bigger tank with a light (possibly with filter) for less than £30 (I appreciate you might have a budget), and possibly even cheaper on ebay. You will also need a heater and a filter, which will take up quite a bit of room in a tank that size. A larger...
  34. G

    Waiting For The "embrace", A Few Hours In...

    They've been released in the tank for about 3 hours now. I've been watching nearby, (out of the way) and there has been no fighting *touch wood*. (A bit of following, barely chasing). There is a bubblenest and the female is plump. Any ideas what the usual average times for them to wrap are? And...
  35. G

    Natural Habitat Redecoration

    Your LFS more often than not will sell pre-treated mangrove-like roots which is safer and saves the job of treating the wood yourself, can't wait to see the end result of your tank!
  36. G

    Does The Wait Have To Be 2 Days? When Introducing M & F

    They've been in the process of conditioning for the past two weeks. and to wilsonnw8, Ok thanks I'll leave her till tommorow.
  37. G

    Does The Wait Have To Be 2 Days? When Introducing M & F

    Both are showing signs they are ready and have only been in the tank together for just over 24 hours. He's built a large nest and she's showing bars. Can i let her loose yet?
  38. G

    Severe Tail Split.

    I'm thinking the same thing. Besides the silk plant (which isn't sharp) nothing in there is remotely 'snaggy'.
  39. G

    Severe Tail Split.

    My Betta's tail fin has split in two nearly down to the base of the tail. Is this a cause for concern? I don't know what could have caused it. Its a bare tank (for treatment) with only a silk plant which I've sinced removed.
  40. G

    Seems To Be Alot Of "fake Pms Going Out"

    I've had two in the past few weeks, I just need to figure out how to report the senders! -_-