Seems To Be Alot Of "fake Pms Going Out"


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
This is the 2nd time i had a fake pm .

from "jurdreda" with a fake linkstating new forum rules....
This is the 2nd time i had a fake pm .

from "jurdreda" with a fake linkstating new forum rules....

Me too, but the message would not load, so thought I'd better check if anyone else had the same problem.
Yes, we had another episode today, but thanks to some of our helpful members, it was reported and the spammer has been banned. This is a problem that many other forums are experiencing too.

Because of this kind of spamming we have made some changes that should slow them down enough so that we can stop them before they send very many PMs out. A new member now has to make ten posts before being able to use the PM system. That means that this member posted gibberish ten times before he could even send one PM. If you see anything like this in the future, please hit the report button and alert us so we can stop him early on.

There is now something called flood control on the PM system. A period of three minutes must pass between the time someone sends a PM and the time he is able to send another. This will limit the number of PMs anyone is likely to send before getting caught. It should help control the problem considerably.

Please report any unusual posts or PMs you receive. The Mod team greatly appreciates your helping to keep TFF a friendly and comfortable place for everyone.
I've had two in the past few weeks, I just need to figure out how to report the senders! -_-
I've had two in the past few weeks, I just need to figure out how to report the senders! -_-
Just send a PM to one or more of the mods. We will at least disable their ability to send them but may not be able to do anything about the ones that went out. Spammers using the PM system is a relatively new thing. They used to just post a thread, someone reported it and we pulled it. I guess they have decided the PM system is a better way but hopefully, the flood control will slow that. I can't see them benefiting much from sending one every 3 minutes or 20 an hour.
I've had two in the past few weeks, I just need to figure out how to report the senders! -_-
Just send a PM to one or more of the mods. We will at least disable their ability to send them but may not be able to do anything about the ones that went out. Spammers using the PM system is a relatively new thing. They used to just post a thread, someone reported it and we pulled it. I guess they have decided the PM system is a better way but hopefully, the flood control will slow that. I can't see them benefiting much from sending one every 3 minutes or 20 an hour.

Nice one ! i also didnt no how to report a pm! so i did pm a mod and also opend this thread!
Another forum that I frequent just had a nearly identical is down at the moment. Same thing, new forum rules.
i'm feeling so left out not received one of these yet - getting bad when even the spammers can't be arsed to message you ---- JOKE :lol: :p
Don't feel bad pippoodle. I havent gotten any of them either. You might think that would be normal since I'm a mod but I know that BigC got one of them.

As mentioned we are not the only ones being hit. If you do a Google search for the name of the most recent PM spammer, you will find that ID on a lot of forums. The ones I could look at without registering showed that he/she joined those forums on about the same date that he/she joined here.
What about (if the software allows) not being able to put hyperlinks in PMs? If someone wanted to do it for legit reasons, there are plenty of ways to overcome it (such as the traditional www.fishforums .net, or however else you might feel like doing it) but it will at least stop people clicking on links sent by spammers and ending up on porn websites.

It wouldn't even have to be permanent, this sort of thing tends to last for a short while then stop.
What about (if the software allows) not being able to put hyperlinks in PMs? If someone wanted to do it for legit reasons, there are plenty of ways to overcome it (such as the traditional www.fishforums .net, or however else you might feel like doing it) but it will at least stop people clicking on links sent by spammers and ending up on porn websites.

It wouldn't even have to be permanent, this sort of thing tends to last for a short while then stop.
good idea IMO :good:

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