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  1. J

    White Spot - Any Problems With This Line Up?

    noooooo - carbons are still in the filter can't catch the all the shrimps either - too damn fast! they'll have to take their chances :( forgot to mention the 3 leppard corries - knew my fish line up seemed a bit short!
  2. J

    White Spot - Any Problems With This Line Up?

    thanks for that the snails are just bog standard pouch snails and some red ramshorns
  3. J

    White Spot - Any Problems With This Line Up?

    okay - my purple ram has white spot, i'm going to turn up the temp and add salt. does anyone think the following fish might be effected by the salt? 2 x khulie loach 1x purple ram 2 x gold ram 3 x zebra danios 1 x female dwarf gourami 2 x Apistogramma trifasciata lots of amano shrimps and...
  4. J

    Does Anyone Want ....

    my pair of dwarf gourami's - one male and one female they have to go to new homes..... i know this post shouldn't be here but i'm desperate! (i'm in middlesex near north london)
  5. J

    Not Quite A Pet Picture

    not wanting to bring everyone down but please be careful - they are wild animals, not suggesting that people should stop feeding them but just trying to suggest people keep a healthy level of respect for them as something with teeth. :)
  6. J

    Dwarf Domestic Violence

    Re-arranged my plants yesterday and the male has merely got worse! He's started this morning 'spreading' the agression towards everything else in the tank including my thermometre (!!!) and bolivian rams who are quite a bit bigger than him. he may have to go at this rate.
  7. J

    More Problems With Ty

    if he is a german shep rottie cross he may only be showing his inherited personality traits. Both breeds are stubborn and need a lot of love. the german shep bit of him will be trying to protect you from some threat perceived or real which might be why he decided he suddenly didn't like your...
  8. J

    Dog Not Eating Properly

    my lab - german shepard cross is an extremely fussing eater all year round and will normally only eat one bowl of food a day. i've found changing her food brand every so often really helps. maybe try that?
  9. J

    Armoured Shrimp

    I have two cameroon armoured shrimps (gets to 15cm so its quite a good option for a smaller tank) with really beautiful colouration. They are fan feeders and will hide for the majority of the time so if you're thinking you might see him trundling about its probably unlikely unless you have a...
  10. J

    This Cucumber Malarky

    my fish kept eating the cucumber before the snails could get there so i gave up and now have a much loved Kuhli Loach who goes round and munches snails really effectively and anything (other than plants) that generally comes his way. they don't get very big - about 3 inches and are meant to be...
  11. J

    No Appetite =(

    my dwarf gouramis did that for a while but soon settled down and started eating again - maybe you just need to wait a bit longer...?
  12. J

    Dwarf Domestic Violence

    so my new mr and mrs dwarf aren't happy. mr keeps chasing mrs around - alot. pretty much whenever he spots her and will even chase her away from food. its a densely planted tank so mrs has lots of places to hide but i'm a not really happy with the levels of domestic violence that are going on...
  13. J

    Snail And Shrimp Expert Needed Desperately

    I think they are leeches - I watched one moving across the glass and it moved exactly in the manner of a leech. Are there are treatments I can buy to kill them off do you know? Too late for the snails though - all dead this morning.
  14. J

    What Fish For Ph 8.5?

    cheers guys, i have lots of ideas now x
  15. J

    What Fish For Ph 8.5?

    am quite keen on rift cichlids too so the ph 'problem' might actually turn out to be quite lucky! OMG?
  16. J

    What Fish For Ph 8.5?

    ah ha - thats better news than you might realise - i had my heart set on bolivian or german rams! although i suppose the dwarf gourami i was sort of eyeing up had better stay in the shop....?
  17. J

    What Fish For Ph 8.5?

    my ph is 8.5 and i know messing with ph levels isnt recomended but it seems to be ruling out a lot of fish :( any fish or ph suggestions for a uk 22 gallon tank would be really appreciated. x
  18. J

    29 Gallon Stocking Help.

    hi is the 29 gallon tank - uk gallons, or us gallons? x
  19. J

    Water Chemistry, Snails And Fish - Advice Pls

    just clarify - ammonia .4 mg/litre, nitrite 0 mg/litre, nitrate 75mg/litre
  20. J

    Snail And Shrimp Expert Needed Desperately

    On the white worm front - they are less than 1mm in diameter and vary between 3mm long and 5mm long. Its really hard to describe them more accurately as they are so small. They seem to be embedded in the snails body at one end and can move their other end independently of the surface of the...
  21. J

    Water Chemistry, Snails And Fish - Advice Pls

    ok a few water chemistry questions: my tank has been happily cycling along with some shrimps and snails in it - my ammonia and nitrite had both dropped to 0.1. However my ammonia today is at .4, my nitrite is at 0 and my nitrate is still stubbonly at 75. Noticed this morning that my snails...
  22. J

    Snail And Shrimp Expert Needed Desperately

    My red ramshorns have developed longish white worms on their bodies which move around over them and seem to irratate the snails (lots of writhing for no particular reason). I've never seen this before and am a bit concerned that added any fish to this aquarium (as i planned to) will will lead to...