No Appetite =(


Fish Crazy
Jan 15, 2006
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California, USA
its really wierd
my gourami doesnt really have any appetite after i transfered another parrot over
it kind of stopped hogging all the food and eat kinda hungerily
so i tried to feed him something elso besides pellets
i gave him lettuce which he loves but he ate it slowly and doesnt want to touch it
i put in tomatoes which he also loves but he doesnt want to eat it but still does
hes a gourami and its strange for him to not have appetite
anyone know whats up?
Guess he just doesnt like the new fish. Maybe feels threatened. Ive seen fish not eat due to that.
my dwarf gouramis did that for a while but soon settled down and started eating again - maybe you just need to wait a bit longer...?
hes kinda back to normal now
he eat anything else energeticly thats not pellets
i guess he just got tired of them :/
yup its really true
he got tired of pellets
he will pounce at anything else that arent pellets
so what should i do?
i gave him grapes and he loves them but they get the tank dirty really fast since he just spits the skin and seeds back out
if i give him leafy veggies he pretty much craps leaf particles that float :X
do gouramis like banana?
They like pretty much any fruit (but avoid anything very messy or acidic for obvious reasons). I personaly would suggest mroe live and frozen foods and different types of pellets - including catfish/pleco pellets/wafers - and any flake foods you think look interesting. A varied diet is the best thing for any fish.
yup, he got bored of food again -_-
i gave him things he might like but he just turned them down
banana, tomato, celery
seems like the only thing he wants is worms...
i dont want to give it to him since i would spoil him even more :unsure:
You know he will not starve himself if you feed him a little less and it may help his appetite. Also, are you feeding any commercial foods? Do try things like algae waffers, catfish pellets and even some flake. Obviously, it is a good idea to rotate between fods and supplement with lots of veggies and live foods but you do not want him getting hooked on just one type which might not be available to him at some point down the line...
the thing is that hes not hooked on anything just blood worms
i dont give it to him, very rare, but he will tend to steal the eels chunk of worms
so he really likes them
i tried to see if i can find anything that my fishes would like around my house
i found some oatmeal so i threw it in, and they really like it
so i wet it so it would clump together so my gourami could take bigger chunks :drool:
seems like nothing has happen to them so im guessing its ok for them to eat it
wonder if oatmeal can lower the colesteral for fishes too :lol:
JasonSkillz said:
i put in tomatoes which he also loves but he doesnt want to eat it but still does

You shouldn't feed fish tomatoes unless they are peeled and gutted. The seeds, pulp, and skin can cause intesinal blockages in fish.
i think think he was effected by them
i mean like he takes pretty big craps
but even though nothing has happened to him, ill take your advice and play it safe :good:
Try feeding him some thawed frozen peas that have been shelled from their skins and chopped up rather finely. Peas will help clear out the digestive tract and may help increase his appetite.

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