What Fish For Ph 8.5?


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2006
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my ph is 8.5 and i know messing with ph levels isnt recomended but it seems to be ruling out a lot of fish :(

any fish or ph suggestions for a uk 22 gallon tank would be really appreciated.

cichlids, marine, stuff like that.

Seriously it doesn't matter (unless dealing with delicates like chocolate gouramies pH4-5!)

if the fish are bought locally, they should be acclimatised to your tap water anyway
most tetras do well at a high ph. i had a tank with coral sand and ocean rock in and my rams and tetras loved it :D

marine fish need a high ph, but i would steer well clear of plonking then in tap water. not good, its too rich and you will get loads of algae. you rearly need ro water for them, and ro water is soft lol. bit of a catch 22 imo.

rift cichlids aka mumba fish will love the high ph and harder water tho ;) i would go for those personally if you dont have access to a good supply of RO water to keep marines.

ah ha - thats better news than you might realise - i had my heart set on bolivian or german rams!

although i suppose the dwarf gourami i was sort of eyeing up had better stay in the shop....?
am quite keen on rift cichlids too so the ph 'problem' might actually turn out to be quite lucky!

You can keep most fish in that ph, I have ph of about 8.2, and keep neons, angelfish, gouramis, pleco, zebra danios

and have kept before, mollies, platy, guppy, tiger barbs, kissing gourami, khuli loaches, convict cichlids,

and there is loads more that I can keep in my water, its the more sensitve fish, like discus and marine, fw rays
OMG that is a much better name than Mbuna

lol i had a long day at work and my brain is shutting down for the night... ZZZZzzzzZZZZzzz.... ;)

You can keep most fish in that ph, I have ph of about 8.2, and keep neons, angelfish, gouramis, pleco, zebra danios

and have kept before, mollies, platy, guppy, tiger barbs, kissing gourami, khuli loaches, convict cichlids,

and there is loads more that I can keep in my water, its the more sensitve fish, like discus and marine, fw rays

gouramis?? :eek: they do prefer a low ph. they may live in that ph but they wont like it.
Melanotaenia boesmani
Stunning coulouration at a higher pH. Most aquarists tend to keep them at around neutral pH7. they tend to get problems. A higher pH as above even up to pH9 (but aclimatize tank bred stock slowly) and a little added cooking salt. Keep as a shoal. Stunning!!!!!!
yeah if your tap water is 8,5 then you get get whatever you want from a local lfs as long as its not too delicate. my water is 8.4 and i have a severum, bichir, pictus's, a lima, and ive kept cories in there. if your stores ph is the same then you can buy most fish.
Yea, Like I said,

Also most fish these days are tank bred,
and fish stores from your area, proly up to 1 hour drive away will still be fine, and use the same tap water, the way i look at it is, the water supply company supplies water to a huge area, so its most likely to be the same as yours. to what ever fish shop go to , even if you drive to scotland, to buy fish , and you live in london, it should be fine, just a slow acclimisation, its only deliacate species really.

In the end , just ask the shop what ph the fish is kept in

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