Dog Not Eating Properly


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
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Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok forgot to ask vets this yesterday (slack I know) but my dog doesnt seem to be eating as much as he should be of his normal dried food! I'm lucky if he eats one bowl a day when he is meant to have two, I'm almost sure its because its so warm out lately that he's not eating. He's a very lean dog and doesnt look to have lost any weight or anything but then again my neighbour is forever giving him tit bits including bananas and ice cream, toast, cat food, and I have no idea what else and he'll wolf that down no problems which is why I'm not overly worried! He reamains very active and is not lathargic.

Does anyone else find that their dogs arent eating as much as normal?
Yep - Dharma's on dry food too and she doesn't eat as much when she's hot. I'd give her wet while this weather's like this, but she can't have it as they all contain rice, which she's not allowed. :S
Thats a shame I didnt realise that wet food contained rice I thought it was just certain ones!

I'm tempted to give Ty some tinned food but the thought of flies and maggots puts me off as well as it gives him horrible wind which stinks and can clear a room in seconds! :lol:
Thats a shame I didnt realise that wet food contained rice I thought it was just certain ones!

I'm tempted to give Ty some tinned food but the thought of flies and maggots puts me off as well as it gives him horrible wind which stinks and can clear a room in seconds! :lol:

elvis is a very fussy eater and will not touch drioed food unless it has chicken mince etc added. but in this weather he just wants to drink and i give him ice lollies. if all else is well i would not worry to much as most of us humans are the same and dont eat as much in the hot weather.
Ok forgot to ask vets this yesterday (slack I know) but my dog doesnt seem to be eating as much as he should be of his normal dried food! I'm lucky if he eats one bowl a day when he is meant to have two, I'm almost sure its because its so warm out lately that he's not eating. He's a very lean dog and doesnt look to have lost any weight or anything but then again my neighbour is forever giving him tit bits including bananas and ice cream, toast, cat food, and I have no idea what else and he'll wolf that down no problems which is why I'm not overly worried! He reamains very active and is not lathargic.

Does anyone else find that their dogs arent eating as much as normal?

You should try and stop your neighbor feeding the dog so many treats, high sugar foods like icecream will rot the dogs teeth easily and may cause the dog a lot of discomfort. Its better to just stick to more natural foods like meaty foods for dogs rather than toost and bananas :lol: .
Thats a shame I didnt realise that wet food contained rice I thought it was just certain ones!

Yeah, most brands like to boast if they have rice in (for some reason they advertise them as "sensitive"), but unfortunately they don't *have* to declare their full ingredients even if they don't say they have rice in. Anything that says it contains "cereals" could have rice in, and given how poorly Dharma gets from it, we don't risk it. It's a shame as one of the best/most natural commercial dog foods you can get (Naturediet) has rice in too. :(
My dogs still have their appetites, for the most part. Fozzie is never full, being a puppy :p! But, they get raw, which has lots of moisture in it... and how could they resist it anyway?

KathyM, I am not sure about the UK, but here there are lots of canned foods that are nearly 100% meat with no grain content. Such as Innova Evo canned.
mind, you can also "wet" your dried dog foods by adding water, chicken broth, etc. works better if you microwave it a little (but it makes your microwave a little stinky :sick: )
I might try that but after finding maggots in his bowl yesterday morning :sick: after just one piece of biscuit had got wet I'm not too keen on doing that as it takes him all day to go through his dinner, thats another reason why I'm not so keen on putting tinned down! I'll give it a go for his evening meal at least that way I can chuck it in the morning if he leaves it!
It's a shame as one of the best/most natural commercial dog foods you can get (Naturediet) has rice in too. :(
That's the wet food I use, my dog is very picky and even she loves it. Of course, she doesn't have the same problems with rice that poor Dharma does, apparently.
all of ours where getting picky with the food because of the heat and i have stated to boil a bit of fish and then break it up i then pour the fish and the stock over the dishes of food leave to cool and feed.the dishes are empty in seconds :rolleyes:
My OES and yorkie both get james wellbeloved dry the morning they both eat no problem, but in the evening they are not that bothered. I think it must be the heat even I dont fancy food, unless it is chocolate from the fridge of course. :drool:
I understand how that is, I tend to be off my food in the heat as does my younger BC, Tess.

In this case, if she doesn't eat, what I do is put her food aside and give it to her at her next mealtime in the evening. With my other dog, whatever the weather, eating is no problem for him!
my lab - german shepard cross is an extremely fussing eater all year round and will normally only eat one bowl of food a day. i've found changing her food brand every so often really helps.

maybe try that?

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