More Problems With Ty


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
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Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok recently in the hot weather I have been unable to take Ty out on long walks just going round the block lately exhausts me at the moment and with Morning sickness I feel even worse so poor Ty is just not getting all the time and attention that he needs and his behaviour has started to get really bad, here are just a few examples of how bad he's got

1. Opened his jaws right in my dads face as if he was going to bite but then suddenly stopped (which was good as he knew he was doing wrong)
2. He was sat on my knee then when my six year old niece started to crawl across the floor he decided he wanted to go after her thinking she was a toy (so had to grab him by his skin which he hates and got chewed on a little)
3. Got over excited and decided he wanted to jump at my face and bust my lip
4. Was out walking him when saw a neighbour who stopped to say hi to Ty and he decided he didnt like her (very out of character although he can be shy at times but never had him start barking or about to go for someone before my boyf thinks it could have been as her handbag swung towards him but I'm not convinced)
5. Just yesterday my neighbour who feeds him titbits had a friend round and according to my dad and neighbour Ty went bezerk and had his shakles up and was growling and barking at my neighbours friend along with trying to get over the fence.

The last one is the final straw I seriously need to do something about him now as I cant risk him being like this, I thought things would be ok but now I'm starting to worry about whats going to happen when my baby arrives. I know I need to spend more time taking Ty out and getting him re socialised with people again but I've also started to wonder whether or not it would be best for me to give Ty up to someone that will be able to spend loads of time with him, I love him to bits and its upsetting me to think this way but I also have to think about what is best for Ty as well as what will be best for my baby! I've put up such a fight to keep this dog over the last year and would do anything for him as my friends and family know! Perhaps things will change when I start to get my energy levels back but in the meantime I need to put a stop to his anti social behaviour!
Sorry to hear you are having so many problems at the moment with Ty. What kind of dog is he?

He's a German Shepherd cross Rottie (I think rottie not 100%) here's a pic


I've had him since he was a pup he'd been passed from pillar to post, then after 2months of having him he got Giardia (spelling) I love him to bits regardless of how he acts but its not safe if he carries on down this path!
thats a real shame and he looks a real stunner and i bet hes got bags loads of personality :D
to me he doesnt seem to haver rottie in him but i may be wrong im no dog expert :lol:
He's a lovely dog apart from these latest stunts and yeah he has bags of personality as well as energy, he'll try and catch birds that fly over the garden in fact he'll chase any animal out of the garden before they get near!

I agree he doesnt look much rottie in that pic but other times he does and we've had loads of people ask if he's part rottie, he's got a huge tongue and drools loads too, I was told when I was given him he was pure German Shep but he definately isnt!

Perhaps its just me worrying over nothing and things might settle down I just seem to keep working myself up over probably having to get rid of him when I dont want to! I dont know how people cope having dogs and being pregnant, or even dogs and kids? If anyone knows of any good websites or any information that might help please let me know I'd really appreciate it.
Such a shame. He looks like such a lovely dog.

But I don't think you're wrong to start worrying about how he will be towards your baby. It's only natural to feel very protective over your child. I didn't have any problems with any of our dogs when I had either of our boys, but not all dogs are the same. Our dogs were also female, which might make difference.

He does need loads of attention, and the further along in pregnancy you get, the harder this may become. I know some people cope and get on with it, but not all people or dogs are the same. He might need someone who can offer him one to one attention with no other distractions.

It is very hard to know what the right thing is to do. Good luck and I really hope it all works out in the end for you.

Thanks, I just dont know what to do as I want whats best for Ty, I might see about getting back to training class in the next few weeks and see if that helps any! I'm quite lucky really as my dad is home most of the time with Ty but he doesnt always get much interaction from him but is allowed to go in and out of the garden as he pleases and my neighbour always talks to him and plays with him over the fence (providing he brings a toy to her and gives it) and then if my dad goes out for a few hours or is away my neighbour goes round and spends a couple of hours with him in the garden or leaves it so he can go in and out of our house and keeps an eye on him from her garden! Another of my friends has also just offered to take him out on a couple of long walks for me!

I just dont understand where the sudden bout of aggression has come from towards people, unless the kids behind us and next door (other side) have been tormenting him again whilst nobody's about? Although I'm getting fed up of telling them and their parents but its falling on deaf ears! Also the other week when we were out I had some people saying hi to Ty and he just flopped on the ground and was rolling everywhere for his tummy tickled and nearly knocked the two kids who were stroking him over with his long clumsy legs (luckily they're mum didnt mind and neither did the kids). I know he has been timid occasionally from an early age with some people but not to this extent!
if he is a german shep rottie cross he may only be showing his inherited personality traits. Both breeds are stubborn and need a lot of love. the german shep bit of him will be trying to protect you from some threat perceived or real which might be why he decided he suddenly didn't like your neighbour - mine used to get really upset at this guy on our street who wore a hat. german shepards are really sensitive dogs too so make sure you make a big fuss of him when you get in.

sounds like you need to spend more time with him and keep up the discipline, he does need to remember you're the boss. You can do simple discipline like sit etc kneeling down if your bump is getting in the way of bending down (mine certainly did!) as long as you're close enough to push his bum down if he 'forgets' what he's meant to be doing. Simple things are quite good at reinforcing roles and he'll love the attention when he gets it right.

If he's already good at that try fetch, you don't have to throw it far if you're worried about being too exhausted.

i'm sure you have already but maybe try getting him a toy? my german shepard quite likes to 'kill' things so you could try one with long arms and squeaker so he can really shake it.

the ankle incident sounds a bit worrying - keep an eye on him, he may just be trying to attract attention so try playing with him more but avoid tug of war games with toys unless you have the strength to win every time cos if you let him win his perceived place in the pecking order will go up in his eyes and you don't want him thinking he's in charge.

kids and dogs can work out fine (mine did and i had twins) so don't worry too much for now especially as you've not even had the baby yet.
I'm so sorry you're having problems. Am I right that Ty's a fairly young dog (I could've sworn you said that to me before?)?

His behaviour doesn't sound as much aggressive as understimulated (which can be a pain in the arse for both of you) and maybe missing out on socialisation, but you shouldn't take any risks taking internet advice (including mine) from people who don't know him or have experience in dog behaviour, so I would recommend getting a referral from your vet to have a behaviourist look at him. When you get a referral make sure you ask the vet to put you in contact with other people that have used the behaviourist, so you can ensure they're good and use positive only methods.

One thing I would recommend stopping are the physical corrections (scruffing, etc) as they do more harm than good and in a sensitive dog like Ty could cause irreparable damage.

Other than that - maybe see if you can get someone to walk him for you (as an extra to take the burden off you) while you think things through? Or do you have a garden where you could sit and rest while chucking a ball for him to wear him out?

A Kong might keep him occupied too?

Hope things work out for you, and if you need any rescue help, this is by far the best rescue site for not only rehoming but just a chat when you're feeling like it's getting too much etc:
Hi Kathy M I think your right about alot of it being due to boredom have decided to give him a couple of months extra to see if he settles down with walks and socialisation (I'm hoping that in next two months I'll have some energy back and will be able to take him back to classes). My friend yesterday took him out for a nice long walk for me with a friend who Ty at first didnt like but eventually learnt that the person with her wasnt so scary after all! I find it strange how he'll be fine in public places with lots of people around and accept affection but if there are few people around and someone tries to say Hi to him he acts totally different perhaps it has something to do with his past from before we got him although we got him at 9weeks old so I thought I'd done enough socialisation with him (obviously I thought wrong)

Yeah he gets plenty of play time in the garden even my neighbour will play with him through the fence providing Ty will give the toy to her as he prefers to keep hold of it which is why I tend to play fetch with 2 toys instead of one as he'll drop a toy if I have one in my hand ready for throwing! Or he'll bring me his basket ball and carry on nudging me until I chase him round the garden! He has a kong but he'd rather chew logs than play with that (I mean logs not sticks too he's mad)

I've had words with my friend and she says she'll try and take Ty out for me I've even asked her to try and drag me along as I need a boot up the behind at the moment! Also going to have words with the other half to try and get him to do more, esp as Ty seems to prefer him at the moment (he goes through phases bless him)

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