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  1. J

    Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

    ok will add air before i go to bed and water every half hour until then
  2. J

    Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

    i'll wait and see if he survives the night before i add him i think if so - into the tank with him, if not... :(
  3. J

    Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

    neither just swimming around the bag - kind of hanging near the top mainly doesn't look too stressed, gill movements look normal and the big o shapes he was making before have gone too it must be that batch because the two new corries are happily shoaling with my others!
  4. J

    Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

    ok salt added - have to wait and see if he makes it i guess
  5. J

    Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

    i've got a second bag i've put him and the water from the first bag into, he's floating on top of the tank now will any salt do? i only have table salt
  6. J

    Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

    if he survives the night would you add him to the tank or take him back with the dead i don't really want to add him but i don't want to write him off either
  7. J

    Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

    ok the temp in the bag is the same as the tank - i've already checked ph is 8.5, so maybe the ph of the bag was 8 at the beginning but surely no less added a tiny amount of tank water, the barb is doing rapid mouth movements but otherwise seems ok but then he is swimming in a bag of dead fish...
  8. J

    Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

    the tank has been setup for 4 months now, and all the fish in there are healthy :angry: should i add the surviving barb to the tank or take them all back? i'm tempted to take them all back, but as the sixth one appears fine will they take them all or just the dead five? i've never returned...
  9. J

    Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

    well its less than 3 miles away so i can't imagine its radically different, but i'm not sure and if so then surely the corries would also have died? the remaining barb is swimming around the bag quite happily - no large gill movements or gasping
  10. J

    Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

    in the middle of aclimatising 6 new cherry barbs that i bought this afternoon, went to have dinner i've come back and one is swimming upside down and one is dead! i've only just added the tinniest amount of tank water and left them for 30 mins. the other four look ok but i'm certainly not...
  11. J

    Noob Question On Community Tank Occupants

    the short answer is no i don't believe so, although maybe the rams on reflection as you have quite a lot of water for them to establish their own territories in but definately not the gouramis as they are or can be depending on the individual - agressive. in my experience gouramis and rams...
  12. J

    Best Diy Caves For The Tank

    depending on the size of your fish - shot glasses are effective, if you cover them in sand you can't see what they really are because they are clear!
  13. J

    Apistos And What?

    heres the male - its a bad photo as they're so small my camera was having trouble focusing on them even with the macro button on. you'll have to imagine what looks like pale blue is actually very vibrant blue and the ditry yellow on his head is actually quite a lot brighter...
  14. J

    Apistos And What?

    yeah i know i can't really put another cichlid species in there - wishful thinking really i already have some bogwood planted with annubus and the corries seem happy and they've been in there for 3 months but we shall see as time goes on - i knew i was taking a bit of a risk with them the...
  15. J

    Snails What Can I Do To Stop Them

    snails only breed that quickly if there's lots of things to eat do you think you might be over feeding your fish? a good way to test is to check the nitrates level of your tank water if its very high or least substantially higher than your tap water it may mean you are over feeding so try that...
  16. J

    Plant Question...

    don't worry - every two weeks just add more tablets on the packet it will tell you how many to add depending on how many gallons you have you won't be 'stirring up the sand' in the very very close proximity of the plants anyway - or at least you shouldn't be as this will disturb their roots...
  17. J

    Apistos And What?

    ah - i never knew there was an actualy term for these kind of fish
  18. J

    Apistos And What?

    what is a dither fish?? just did a little research apparently serpeas can be aggressive - do you think this is true? they are very pretty fish thats for sure i'd completely forgotten about the barbs - now there is an idea
  19. J


    its never big enough! whats the ph of your water? i'm asking so people can help you a bit more as there's no point suggesting soft water fish if you have hard water - you'll only end up with dead fishes, unless you want to soften it but that can be expensive..
  20. J

    Apistos And What?

    hmm - not a guppy fan and neons are a bit ordinary in my opinion anyway
  21. J

    Apisto And What...

    okay i've got two apistogrammas in a 20 gallon (UK) - i'm thinking i need to get another lady as the male is definately trying to bred with the female and i don't want him to over stress her, the consenus seems to be with plenty of caves it should be fine. the two apistos (poss 3) are sharing...
  22. J

    Apistos And What?

    okay i've got two apistogrammas in a 20 gallon (UK) - i'm thinking i need to get another lady as the male is definately trying to bred with the female and i don't want him to over stress her, the consenus seems to be with plenty of caves it should be fine. the two apistos (poss 3) are sharing...
  23. J

    Gravel/substrate Question

    no sand won't turn into mud - make sure you wash it before adding it to your tank, you'll be horrified at how dirty it is
  24. J

    Plant Question...

    humm well sometimes yes the roots of my plants do go brown and i suppose yes might be dying. i normally let the plant float until it produces new roots and then replant it on top of a fertiliser tablet and cross my fingers.
  25. J

    Oh Dear What Do I Do ?

    you could post this in the south american cichlids section there's some ram experts on there...
  26. J

    What's This Illness?

    i think he said he was just enquiring not actually had any ill fish on reading again though i'm not sure
  27. J

    Beginner Id?

    ooh pretty! maybe the yellow one is a yellow lab.... if they are african cichlids you might have a problem because they are going to out grow your tank. :/
  28. J

    Black Fungus On Plants

    there is definately a post in the planted section on this beacuse i know i've read it - check there
  29. J

    Plant Question...

    ok i've got a couple of tanks but in my twnety gallon i use the standard bulbs that came with the tank which are two 55W tubes. (i can't remember off the top of my head what the others are but nothing special) i don't know much about liquid fertiliser makes but use interpet no. 2 flora boost...
  30. J

    Plant Question...

    i don't do CO2 either and have loads of plants but it depends how sophisticated you want to make your plant care - i'm a bit low tec on the plant front so i use liquid fertilisers which don't add nitrates to the tank for plants which take nutrients from the water such as java fern and fertiliser...
  31. J

    Could I Have Rams ?

    £13 seems quite expensive - or maybe my lfs is cheap... maybe look somewhere else first..
  32. J

    Has Anyone Had Any Problems With Rams?

    i've had quite bad luck with rams - i can never get them past 6 months. i gave up after two died.
  33. J

    Online Plant Shops

    i'm in favour of greenline too - they're also really helpful if you call them and the plants are always excellent
  34. J

    What Is This Cloning Business All About Then?

    ah right - no more complicated than i thought excellent - one cloned tank coming up (hopefully)
  35. J

    What Is This Cloning Business All About Then?

    i guess that maybe you use the filter media from one filter to create a second but how does it exactly work?
  36. J

    Congo Puffer

    :lol: you're a fountain of knowledge today!!
  37. J

    Puffer Live Food

    sounds like a good idea and a trip to amazon for me (local lfs's aren't too hot on the book front) thanks for the advice
  38. J

    Congo Puffer

    hmmm - worrying myself into a state where i might just change it anyway...
  39. J

    Might Have Done Something Silly Here

    ok in my 20 gallon (uk) tank i have two apistogramma trif. which was fine untill the male started showing definate signs of wanting to bred with the female. i've read that i really need two females to one male and having only twenty gallons i'm faced with a small problem (working on the one...
  40. J

    Congo Puffer

    hello just bought a new congo puffer (growing collection of puffers here :D ) but before i go and collect him it suddenly struck me that the sand in the tank i have ready for him might be too coarse - its coral sand (don't worry its never been used in a marine tank) and i'm bit worried that...