Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

neither just swimming around the bag - kind of hanging near the top mainly

doesn't look too stressed, gill movements look normal and the big o shapes he was making before have gone too

it must be that batch because the two new corries are happily shoaling with my others!
If he gets back to normal add him to the tank.
I bought some cherry barbs and only one of mine survied out of 3.
Can\'t keep him in the bag to long is will stress him out.
That why is so important to have a quarantine tank.
i'll wait and see if he survives the night before i add him i think
if so - into the tank with him, if not... :(
Keep adding some tank water to the bag, as 02 will get bad in there unless you can blow the bag up abit with a bicycle pump.
ok will add air before i go to bed and water every half hour until then
Ok good luck and fingers crossed bless him.
he didn't make it either, back to the fish shop i think
not impressed i have to say
Sorry bless him R.I.P.
I would find out how long they had the cherry barbs in as some fish are imported have to go through all that, then added and climatised into the lfs tank, then can be out again in an hour, so you can see why some die of stress poor things.
they claim to have had the cherry barbs for ages but what i think they mean is that they have been stockig them for ages - please to say got another 6 which i aclimatised over 4 hours (!!!) just to make sure and they are all happily swimming round my tank :)

although one of the baby masked corries is now appearing very weak and not swimming much or eating, he's very thin whilst the other one i got is happily swimming around and shifting through the sand constantly

i get the distinct impression i won't be buying fish from them again which is a shame as its maidenhead aquatics and i've always found them to be good
There fish are not that healthy through reading through your post, don't like the sound of the cory at all.
I would find another lfs.

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