What's This Illness?

Oct 28, 2005
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Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
I haven't got any illness in my tanks or anything but read this somewhere else and just wandered what type of disease this would be? Hope that makes sense! :)

Cloudy eyes and white mucus on the body of a fish would indicate what type of general disease problem?

Cheers :good:
Cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease rather than a desease in its self.
Can we take a look at your stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing againt objects, or laboured breathing.
i think he said he was just enquiring not actually had any ill fish

on reading again though i'm not sure
LOL, like I said in the first post.. it's not actually a problem I am having.. I'm doing this quiz thingy (post popping up all over the forums from me about it) and one of the questions i'm stuck on is this one..

Cloudy eyes and white mucus on the body of a fish would indicate what type of general disease problem?
Ph, to parasites.
Cloudy eye can be due to poor water quality and parasites to bacerial infections. and so can the white skin can be down to parasites and bad water quality.
Okie Dokie cheers wilder.. i'll explain in my answer that poor water quality has probably caused parasites and a bacteria infection and this is causing the cloudy eyes/white mucus

Don' blame me if you get it wrong.
LOL! Don't worry I will :p Not really!! I was hoping you would answer this question because you seem to be the unoffical leader on this forum when it comes to disease and illness id :good:
Well put it this way! Whenever I have had any emergencies in the past you have always been the one to help me out! I'm sure other members will back me up that you do some fantastic work in the emergency section. :D
Thanks, all you can do is try and point them in the right direction, it hard without a microscope.

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