Apistos And What?


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2006
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okay i've got two apistogrammas in a 20 gallon (UK) - i'm thinking i need to get another lady as the male is definately trying to bred with the female and i don't want him to over stress her, the consenus seems to be with plenty of caves it should be fine.

the two apistos (poss 3) are sharing with 3 lepard corries and two khulie loaches but what i'm wondering is what else could i put in there? another cichlid species - a convict or a dwarf acra? or even a keyhole?

i love my corries but don't want an all corrie tank...

i don't think glass catfish will handle my ph of 8.5 very well so i'm a bit lost for ideas at the minute.

and i'm not very keen on danios or gouramis.

any ideas?
Some middle and top dwellers would be good.

Some tetras(of some kind i have neons with my apistos) or perhaps some fancy guppies, colourful and lively.
hmm - not a guppy fan and neons are a bit ordinary in my opinion anyway
hmm - not a guppy fan and neons are a bit ordinary in my opinion anyway

Maybe, but the apistos will really appreciate some dither fish to make them more confident. I wouldn't necessarily say neons, perhaps glow lights or serpaes. Perhaps some barbs of some kind, cherry's perhaps?
what is a dither fish??

just did a little research apparently serpeas can be aggressive - do you think this is true?

they are very pretty fish thats for sure

i'd completely forgotten about the barbs - now there is an idea
Dither fish just sit in the water column, and make more nervous fish like the apistos feel more confident coming out into the open. So any small shoaling fish should be fine. I mentioned serpae's because they look good, but you should do your own research into what fish should be suitable for your tank.
ah - i never knew there was an actualy term for these kind of fish
Well, you come on boards like this to learn. I know i do!
Most small tetras will do nicely. I have had neons with mine but have switched to cardinals. They have been hardier IME. I also keep rummynose/fireheads with them. Pencilfish are great with apistos if you can find them. Hatchetfish are another but they can be difficult to keep and remember, they like to jump.

What species of apisto do you have? I think you have enough room to add a second female in there. I don't think it would be wise to add another cichlid species.
I think one cichlid species in a 20 is plenty. 2 females and a male would be good. Serpaes can be semi aggressive Tetras. Harlequins are nice too.

I don't think convicts would be suitable. Really as Griz said another cichlid species would most likely not work in that size tank.

Your water is pretty hard at 8.5. I'm surprised your cories are well. My African tanks run at 8. I would add some driftwood to the tank or some peat to the filter.
yeah i know i can't really put another cichlid species in there - wishful thinking really

i already have some bogwood planted with annubus and the corries seem happy and they've been in there for 3 months but we shall see as time goes on - i knew i was taking a bit of a risk with them

the apistos are ap. trifasciata - the three stripe - really lovely little fish, very inquisitive and friendly although the female has developed a habit of closely inspecting what i'm doing when i'm doing a water change and it un-nerves me because i would hate to suck her up, so water changes are taking ages at the minute!
the apistos are ap. trifasciata - the three stripe - really lovely little fish, very inquisitive and friendly although the female has developed a habit of closely inspecting what i'm doing when i'm doing a water change

How cute. Love her already! Bet she'll be a fiesty girl. I love to watch my Orange flame male cockatoo's main squeeze when he and the aggassazi red tail are squaring off and she comes to cheer Orange Flame on or when the red tail girl does the same for her man. :wub:
Penguin Tetra are good aswell, coz they just sit about and look not concerend about anything :)
heres the male - its a bad photo as they're so small my camera was having trouble focusing on them even with the macro button on. you'll have to imagine what looks like pale blue is actually very vibrant blue and the ditry yellow on his head is actually quite a lot brighter.


just bought a shoal of 6 cherry barbs which i couldn't resist in the shop, the female apisto is already squaring up to them and they're still in the bag - hope i haven't made a bad choice!

(and masked corries - exiting day in the community tank)

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