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  1. H

    German Super Red Ancistrus

    Livestock: German Line Super Red Ancistrus Quantity for sale: 15 Various sizes Reason for Sale: Spare Home bred fish Delivery or Collection: Collection from Lowestoft Suffolk, may be able to help with delivery Sales price:£10 small - £30 young adults Postage & Packaging: Collection only...
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    Ancistrus/bristlenose Wanted Norwich Area

    HI there, Not sure if you are still looking but I have baby Common Brown Ancistrus ready to go, and possibly *some* Super Red Ancistrus babys available at the end of February. If you are interested please get in touch on here or [email protected] I am in Lowestoft so not very far from...
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    Importing Fish

    Great thanks! Much appreciated!
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    Importing Fish

    Hi, I was wondering on the rules of this.... I know people often bring their own fish to the UK from other countries though personal collecting trips etc and wonder how easy / possible is it to bring in fish from another overseas- does anyone have any personal experience of this? I am currently...
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    Aqua Art 60 Litre....filter Question!

    Hi, do you mean the green/white/carbon insert thing when you mean change the filter? I have also used the same filtration system and rarely change it as I just rinse the insert out in old tank water at the regular water change. However if you want to change it there are also 'bio balls' (I...
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    Undergravel Filters

    Hi there, normally for very big tanks such as yours, there are more efficent filter opions than an undergravel (such as extermals mentioned above) if you are still interested then you could try one of the undergravel filters which comes in sections so you can connect to the filter size you want...
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    Arrrgggghhhh. Need Advice On Neon Tetras

    Hi there Mature tanks are better for most tetras but still, 6 months is a bit excessive! Perhaps a more delicate species like cardinals could do with a mature tank of at least 3 months plus though. Neon tetras should be fine in you new tank should you wish to put them in soon after the cycle is...
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    Guppy Tricks

    Couldn't find any links of guppies jumping - yet - but here are two other links with performing fish on them, pretty amazing stuff! Goldfish Gold Gourami
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    Guppy Tricks

    I'll have a look tonight, I'm sure there must be one around somewhere.........
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    Guppy Tricks

    Luckily to train any animal, it doesn't need to be that intelligent, just active and greedy. It defiinately can be done with guppies as I know of several instances where they have been trained and also seen film of it too. Another trick I have seen is to get the guppy to jump over a matchstick...
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    Guppy Tricks

    Hi, I have heard of this being done alot through my animal training work. If you are seriously interested in this kind of thing then read Karen Pryor's 'don't shoot the dog' which is a fantastic book just for that subject. Basically you need to encourage your fish to follow a target for a food...
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    Does Anyone Know The Name Of This Eel?

    Yep thats an african reedfish/ropefish, keep the lid on the tank tight and seal up any little holes in the top as reedfish WILL gop walkabout around the house! If by chance it does get out and you find it on the carpet - put it back in the tank for a while even if it seems dead, it may still be...
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    Molly Fry

    Molly fry seem to go through growth spurts and then seem to stop growing for short periods in the first few months, at least mine have. Mine are 5 months old now and are about 1 3/4 inches long and very full bodied. With the other stock in your tank you should be able to put them in fairly soon...
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    Filters Comparision And Running Costs?

    Hi there, I use air driven undergravels on all the tanks where I can as I find them HIGHLY efficient biological filters, easy to maintain, and cheap! - however it does depend a bit on what fish you are keeping. UGs are not really suitable for tanks containing big fish that like to dig alot...
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    Hi, Although the tank is fairly small when most people consider tropical fish tanks , it is probably far better for a few small tropical fish than goldfish (and it definately cannot hold 4 , messy, fast growing, high oxygen consuming goldfish. The size of heater you will need is a 25w one, not...
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    Silver Dollars

    Silver dollars plus plants is normally a loosing battle! At least it was when I had SDs, they cleared the live plants (admittedly there were only a few and they were soft leaved ones) and then left little teeth chew marks on the plastic plants :blink: :lol: . You may be able to slow down the...
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    Clown Loaches

    I have actually done this before - it will be fine. Clown Loach will eat snails when they are hungry, if they are getting regular fish food as well they will be less inclined to eat snails if they are already full. Just transfer them over for a couple of weeks as long as the water quality is...
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    Un-stunting Clown Loaches

    Hi, I've known the person they came from for a long time so I know they are at least this age, they've always been healthy disease-wise. They have all grown since she got them as tiny babies, just not more than this. I suspect maybe the cause was dietry + infrequent tank maintainence and so on...
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    Un-stunting Clown Loaches

    Hi, I have been given 4 new clown loachs from someone closing their 39 gal tank down. All 4 are around the 4 1/2 inch mrk but are about 9 years old! So I am assuming they are stunted? I've put them in a mature 400 litre tank by themselves to give them a bit of space, but is it possible that I...
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    Hoplo Catfish

    You say you have only had them a few weeks - maybe they haven't settled down properly in your tank yet? If you have a few bits of bogwood or rocks they can hide under they will realise there is somewhere to go if frightened and you may see them more. Also moving tank decorations around...
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    My Review Of The Infamous Under Gravel Filter

    I am a big fan of air driven undergravels - you can even get away with it in a planted set up with plants such as hornwort,javamoss & fern, hygrophilias and various ferns and floating plants. I also put amazon swords in and they grow extremely well if planted in a big yogurt pot with holes...
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    Albino Ghost?

    Hey! if you don't mind me asking, where are you located? where have you seen the fish on sale?
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    Albino Ghost? try this - certainly looks like an albino BGK........for all its bluryness!
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    Possible Tetra Replacements....

    Hmm never heard of neons doing that before although bettas are known for being not very suitable for the average community - they are far too wimpy and unable to stand up for themselves. Maybe cherry barbs would be ok but if neons are talking a shot I see no reason why the barbs would be much...
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    "the Golden Oldies"

    Mine would be my group of 5 clown loach - oldest 12years plus, youngest around 8. they are closely followed by 2x9 year old red tail blue botia and an 8 year old bristlenose.
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    Breeding Bristlenose Plecs - First Time!

    Baby ancistrus survive off their egg sacs until they are a few days old and only then do they start to venture out of the cave to look for other food. I would drop food around the entrance to the cave so they find it when they do come out. But as soon as they have used up the egg sac you will...
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    Breeding Bristlenose Plecs - First Time!

    Hi there I have bred bristlenoses for a while and find them to be relatively indestructable providing you make sure you don't have any fish in the tank which are likely to eat the youngest babies, I have a feeling clown loach may do this! Mine first bred around the time I set up a new tank and...
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    Our Macaws

    Beautiful birds youve got there, I think I remember you from the Parrot society Magazine! I've got 2 greenwings and 2 blue and golds myself. Have you been to Pleasure Island Theme park near you and seen their performing Macaws? I work for the company that trains them and the sealions