Does Anyone Know The Name Of This Eel?


New Member
Jan 8, 2008
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hi im a newbie to this forum and some great advice and chat on here!

i have had this eel (thinks hes a eel) in my tank for a few months now, does anyone know what kind he is?

Yep thats an african reedfish/ropefish, keep the lid on the tank tight and seal up any little holes in the top as reedfish WILL gop walkabout around the house!

If by chance it does get out and you find it on the carpet - put it back in the tank for a while even if it seems dead, it may still be alive as these fish can survive several hours out of water!
:good: thanks for the name and the advice, all holes are sealed at back of tank..

kool fish to have in tank and to watch diving about!
I am sure its a reedfish, they will also work there way in filters if your not careful

If you have an external filter id put something over the outlet pipe and make sure the intake is nice and tightly sealed
on top of that, adding a lid to your tank would certainly do you some good
thanks for all the tips, my filter lid is covered with netting to prevent anything from getting into it and the gaps at the back of the tank for wires have also been blocked in!

have been watching him more closely since being told what escape artists they are :hyper:
definately a reedfish. Ihave three they are great fish and apparently do better in a small group
hes eating mostly tubifex worms, and some flake food. i put in some brine shrimp, but fish didnt seem to keen on it :blink:

think the filter got most of it, but the reedfish does go for the bloodworms and stuff well

last time i bought new stuff to feed them, a greasy oil residue came off it and i lost alot of fish , so have only added a few additions to my tank to replace what i lost

any suggestions on trying new food or a good new addition that is not really aggressive but a good size for my tank? :good:
mine also eat frozen prawn and catfish pellets alongwith brine shrim and bloodworms

they live with plecs fire eels ornate bichir and clown knifes

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