Search results

  1. P

    Sick Ferret

    With ferrets they go down hill very quick. You did the best you could! I would look into a good supplyer of ferret food though, ferret depot is really good. follow this link : :good:
  2. P

    Is This Normal?

    Thanks thats my mind put at rest. :flowers:
  3. P

    Brown Hairy Alge?

    I know my phosphats are high, how do i lower it?
  4. P

    Is This Normal?

    Well here goes: She ia sat on the leaves here, this morning i found her and the other old female laying on top of the filter???
  5. P

    What A Day!1 Im Whacked

    You know you love it really! :rolleyes:
  6. P

    Is This Normal?

    I am really crap at trying to work out how to post photos! But if i can email them or text them to someone to post for me that would be great???? She has been getting loads of live food and has had pea`s, as well as addisons. I do wonder if she is struggeling because she doesn`t have much tail?
  7. P

    Another Filter?

    Anyone? :unsure:
  8. P

    Another Filter?

    I have had abit of a brown hairy algae problem and found my phosphates are high, so i brought some elimi-phos, it say`s to add it gradually and i need 4 sachets. I am running a fluval 4 on my tank and by the time i have four in the filter i will have no room for media. Is it ok to have no media...
  9. P

    Is This Normal?

    Awhile ago i got some fish given to me, they were 1 male betta(6mths old), 2 female betta`s (2 yrs old), some neon tetras, some black tetras and an otto. They had all been living in avery small tank. I got them home and seperated them straight away, the male in his own tank and all the tetras...
  10. P

    Argh! P@h Refused To Sell Me A Betta

    That is madness to have an offer and then make you buy lots of females! I would recomend that if you wanted to breed you would be best with 4 -6 females, But if you didn`t want to breed them you shouldn`t have to buy females. I know about cloning a tank and do it everytime i set up a tank...
  11. P

    Argh! P@h Refused To Sell Me A Betta

    There is something you can do! Tell me more......... I have resently started working in my lfs and it is company policey not to sell fish to an unfiltered tank as most people say they will do daily water changes, when you know they won`t! If you had come to me i would have said no as that is...
  12. P

    Free To A Good Home

    You nutter! :rolleyes:
  13. P

    Free To A Good Home

    I wish i were nearer too! I could sneak over and get the tank and find a home for it somewhere! But hubby will notice if i am gone that long and also puts the cost up with petrol too. :unsure:
  14. P

    Free To A Good Home

    Is that an elite tank? which females are looking to go with it?
  15. P

    Live Bloodworms

    Now you have opened the bag you will need to use them within about 24 hours b4 they die. Next time leave then in the bag they come in and keep in the fridge, will keep for about a week unopened. :good:
  16. P

    Fao Netty And Anyone Else?

    Where do i get vinigar eel?
  17. P

    Free To A Good Home

    What size is the tank? got a photo?
  18. P

    Finrot ?

    You really need to think of somthing sooner than next year as the filter really isn`t powerfull enough for the pond and the chances are that you will lose you fish, you really need to have your water tested a.s.a.p. If you tell me the measurements of you pond and i will work out a filter for you.
  19. P

    Goldfish Spawning?

    When goldfish mate the male chases the female around and the male puts his head inbetween the female tail, she then drops her eggs. Like already said though, fantails and one finned fish should not be kept together and what you thought was them getting friendly was really the failtail getting...
  20. P

    Fao Netty And Anyone Else?

    I did try micro worms but found they smelt too much. where do you get baby brine shrimp, live or frozen?
  21. P

    Red, White Or Black?

    so are they all as good as each other?
  22. P

    Fao Netty And Anyone Else?

    whats the best starter food for fry? Anything i relly need to know that i haven`t asked? or any other advice you think i need? Do betta need to be close in size?
  23. P

    Red, White Or Black?

    Like i said daz take another pill will you! Here`s a clue........ They are all frozen!
  24. P

    Fao Netty And Anyone Else?

    Just take another pill and keep watching the bubbles daz! MY BUBBLE.......... MY BUBBLE.......... MY BUBBLE.............. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! :stupid:
  25. P

    Fao Netty And Anyone Else?

    Thanks for all info, so far, more always welcome. Modaz have replied. Your Ace.
  26. P


    Sorry yes Uk based. Got the Tetra Fresh Delica bloodworm. will try and get the boss to get it the tmc stuff but i doubt it.
  27. P

    Red, White Or Black?

    mosquito larvae that is. Whats the difference?
  28. P

    Fao Netty And Anyone Else?

    Can someone explain hoe to condition a betta for breeding or point me in the direction of a good website or book please? First timer here, you could say a virgin! LOL!
  29. P

    Bettas I Sold On Ebay - Advice Again

    Yaaaayyyy! Well done pheo!!!! :good:
  30. P


    Ok, So where will i get a gel based food or frozzen. i work in a fish store and we don`t have any. :unsure: Ok, SO we sell gel based holiday food and basic frozzen foods, but nothing for everyday feeding that says goldfish food on it.
  31. P

    Advice Plz

    If iwas the buyer i would rather wait two week for the fish to be sent safely, than someone package up the fish the night b4, take it to worrk and post it in thier luch break!!!!!!!! I would NEVER buy from someone who did this! The thing is this person has been a pain from b4 they won the fish...
  32. P


    Ok filter installed and running. Water change done today. The fish was up the right way when i checked it yesterday and still is. :rolleyes: So looks like i caught it quickly! It was also suggested i don`t feed floating food???
  33. P

    My Tank

    It should just wipe off, no need to drain.
  34. P

    Tank Filter?

    Just to let you know i have started a new thread called swim bladder, which follows on from this one. thanks guys! :good:
  35. P

    Finrot ?

    There`s a few things in noticed. I would say you have too many fish for the pond, each of those fish should get up to 25cm and live for up to 25 years if cared for properly. Also you are using a tank filter in a pond and you really need a pond filter, did you take out and black filter media...
  36. P

    My Tank

    Sounds like bio-film, dirt on the glass. Just wipe it off and it`s fine. :good:
  37. P

    Mystery Disorder. Please Help Me

    Have you tested the ammonia, nitrit and nitrat?
  38. P


    I usually stirr up the gravel and then use a piece of pipe, would a proper gravel cleaner be better? Ok water test is in and it ain`t good! Ammonia 0.6 Nitrit 0.8 Nitrat somewhere between 50and 110. I guess this is a good time to tell you all how i got into this mess........... I not long ago...
  39. P

    Take What You Get

    If you really want a fish and i am not run off my feet i will get it for you if i can do it fairly quickly, I won`t wave the net about the tank. We are not allowed to let anyone but employee's catch fish. /but if the fish get stressed. Then i stop trying to catch ome fish and catch any fish if...
  40. P

    Is It Worth It?

    You`d better check your lfs will take them back first. Check with the boss too.