I usually stirr up the gravel and then use a piece of pipe, would a proper gravel cleaner be better? Ok water test is in and it ain`t good!
Ammonia 0.6
Nitrit 0.8
Nitrat somewhere between 50and 110.
I guess this is a good time to tell you all how i got into this mess...........
I not long ago started work in my lfs and some guy can in saying he tried to move his tank and it cracked and he couldn`t afford a new tank so could we tank the fish? Boss he say no. I think my daughter wants goldfish, i will have them. They are left in a mop bucket ! I get them home but have no tank set up, so i set up a tank i have but it is way to small and go and buy a bigger tank as doon as i get a chance, it comes with a interpet 3 filter, so the poor fish have to go through a cycle, i do use donar midia from another tank and this is where we are now. Today i got the fluval 205 and was advised to do 50% water changes daily and add the new filter with the old one still in and when the water test looks ok, stop the water changes and keep an eye on it for a couple of days if still ok then remove interpet filter. I gave them de-shelled peas.
What do you think?