Mystery Disorder. Please Help Me


Fish Fanatic
Jul 14, 2008
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United Kingdom
I have had a well established 90ltr cold water set up for 2 years, all with healthy fish. a motley crew of comets, shibunkins and 2 weather loaches.

in the last week 2 comets have died, with what i think may be some form of swim bladder disorder. symptoms: tails floating to surface, buoyancy out of sync and resulting to fish being on side with slight inflammation of lower abdomen.

one of the loaches, the larger of the two, passed away about 3 weeks ago. he went very lethargic, his eyes clouded over and his scales stopped looking like scales and looked more like a snake about to shed it's skin. this went on for just under a week.

now the remaining loach has gone lethargic, eyes are NOT clouded, but movement from fins diminished. Thought he was dead so partner went to remove him as he'd laid in the same place for 48hours, only to find he's alive and hardly breathing. but will swim a little when disturbed.

the goldfish have kindly started to munch his tail - which he didn't try to avoid. so have moved him into quarantine until i know what is going on.

the remaining 8 fish are all healthy, active, swimming as normal and feeding fine.

please help!
Hi, do you know the water parameters of the tank?? if not what is your current maintenaince regime and what filtration do you use?
unfortunately swim bladder problems are usually caused by either poor water or a poor diet.
90litres equates to around 22G which i'm afraid is really too small for anything for more than 1 comet short term
I'd guess that the nitrite and ammonia levels that are always slowly rising have become so high and have started to effect your fishs health
Hi, do you know the water parameters of the tank?? if not what is your current maintenaince regime and what filtration do you use?
unfortunately swim bladder problems are usually caused by either poor water or a poor diet.
90litres equates to around 22G which i'm afraid is really too small for anything for more than 1 comet short term
I'd guess that the nitrite and ammonia levels that are always slowly rising have become so high and have started to effect your fishs health

ooh, this would be when i get confused right!

erm, the fish i have aren't overly large - about 2-3inch for the most part, one that about 4inches.

filter - Resun Magi-700, and airator.

filter appears very effective, good water cycle. water is clear, ph tests adiquate. Last water change was a half water change and aqua safe is always used to treat new water. last change 3-4 weeks ago.

feeding is a mix of flake and granule formula with occasional live feeding to give them something to do.
Hi, do you know the water parameters of the tank?? if not what is your current maintenaince regime and what filtration do you use?
unfortunately swim bladder problems are usually caused by either poor water or a poor diet.
90litres equates to around 22G which i'm afraid is really too small for anything for more than 1 comet short term
I'd guess that the nitrite and ammonia levels that are always slowly rising have become so high and have started to effect your fishs health

ooh, this would be when i get confused right!

erm, the fish i have aren't overly large - about 2-3inch for the most part, one that about 4inches.

filter - Resun Magi-700, and airator.

filter appears very effective, good water cycle. water is clear, ph tests adiquate. Last water change was a half water change and aqua safe is always used to treat new water. last change 3-4 weeks ago.

feeding is a mix of flake and granule formula with occasional live feeding to give them something to do.

see if this works :
adding to this post, the loach died last night.

again carried out ph balance etc and everything is fine.
unfortunately goldfish are seriously messy fish and so with that many in a small tank you would be needing a much bigger filter to keep them in top condition,
Also with that sized tank and with just say 2 comets I would be recommending 50% water changes weekly so i would be guessing that the toxic levels are getting quite high by week 3 or 4

do you have a nearby LFS that could test the water for you?
unfortunately goldfish are seriously messy fish and so with that many in a small tank you would be needing a much bigger filter to keep them in top condition,
Also with that sized tank and with just say 2 comets I would be recommending 50% water changes weekly so i would be guessing that the toxic levels are getting quite high by week 3 or 4

do you have a nearby LFS that could test the water for you?

no i don't live near LFS.

i'll do a 50% change today and the same next wednesday and will monitor them.

i have to say since there are no loaches to bother them, the boys are all happy and swimmy today.

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