Is This Normal?


Fish Fanatic
May 25, 2008
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Awhile ago i got some fish given to me, they were 1 male betta(6mths old), 2 female betta`s (2 yrs old), some neon tetras, some black tetras and an otto. They had all been living in avery small tank. I got them home and seperated them straight away, the male in his own tank and all the tetras went to a neighbour and the two females in a tank on there own. Now straight away i noticed that the females sort of cuddled up together at night and stayed close to the ground most of the time, I put this down to having been had ago at proberly most of her life, but afew weeks later one of them is swimming around and now i have added three more females, everyone seems to get on well, but still this one stays on the ground, sometimes almost sitting on her tail, is this ok?? :unsure:
If she's just resting on the bottom, some of my fish do this and are fine. But if she's sitting almost vertical in the water it could be a swim bladder problem. A photo of the exact posture might help - doesn't have to be clear, just show us how she sits.
I am really crap at trying to work out how to post photos! But if i can email them or text them to someone to post for me that would be great???? She has been getting loads of live food and has had pea`s, as well as addisons. I do wonder if she is struggeling because she doesn`t have much tail?
to post pics:

upload your pics onto an image hosting site such as photobucket or imageshack, then post the
Well here goes:


She ia sat on the leaves here, this morning i found her and the other old female laying on top of the filter???
they are just old and not so energetic now.

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