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  1. M

    What Do You Think?

    Well im not a huge betta expert, but i dont think bettas like a current very much?? Anyone? :unsure:
  2. M

    Anwsered My Disappearing Fish Problem

    Wat a way to die.... :-( At least you know now and have posted the info to keep us informed - thanks buddy :thumbs:
  3. M

    Water Changes Water...

    10 more votes fot the ton! :thumbs:
  4. M

    The Fishy Alphabet

    It was fun the first time round! :lol:
  5. M

    Human Foods For Fish?

    I put cumcumber in for my Pleco and i must say he loves it! I also feed chicken to my 2 Red Oscars, they nearly love it more than my dog!!! :lol: What kind of fish have you??
  6. M

    Water Changes Water...

    Thanks Ami :thumbs:
  7. M

    The Fishy Alphabet

    Heres one u American guys will understand - ENOUGH ALREADY! :lol:
  8. M

    Water Changes Water...

    21 more votes :) for the 100!
  9. M


    i can relate to that. I gave up my 3 clown loaches when i just wanted a cichlid tank. It was a sad day but at least they stayed in the family - i gave 'em to my dad! At least i can go visit them evryday :D
  10. M

    The Fishy Alphabet

    G is for GRAVEL! :thumbs:
  11. M

    Personal Experiences With Painted Glassfish (chanda Ranga)

    I know a lot of folks here are against dyed fish... It does seem a bit cruel to me. I think most people on here wouldnt buy 'em to be honest, although i have no experience of the ones you are talking about. In general if its dyed, i think its best to avoid! Anyone else?? :unsure: Welcome on...
  12. M

    Water Changes Water...

    Come on guys! Only antoher 20 or so votes to make it a big survey of 100!!! :thumbs:
  13. M

    Compatible Fish(help For Gourami)

    Personally, id put him in the 260l. I mean, afterall, he couldnt be much worse off??? :X
  14. M

    Water Changes Water...

    BUMP it up, lets try to get a survey of 100!!
  15. M

    The Whale Has Died

    How sad, eh? :-(
  16. M

    My Oscars Like My Finger...

    :lol: Well i have jus got 2 red oscars (4") 2 days ago. Thing is, everytime i put my finger in my tank at feeding time the wee buggers nip it! Is everyones Oscars like this?
  17. M

    Just A Little Tip............

    Nice tip buddy! :thumbs:
  18. M

    Can They All Fit?

    You still never answered my question. I believe you were being ignorant of others posts. I also do believe you wrote a load of twaddle about arguements - i am not arguing, just asking you for an answer to my question. I also think your advice was unfounded. You havent admitted this. Here is my...
  19. M

    Can They All Fit?

    IMPORTANT PLEASE READ POST RE: Jan 18 2006, 10:17 PM. You posted after me saying that you wouldnt use neons to cycle a tank? Who asked anything about that? Had you already read the above listed post i can assume, as you seem of reasonable intelligence to me that you would think that the fellas...
  20. M

    Can They All Fit?

    The OPERATIVE would is MAY... You as readily would almost start an argument with me over something with which there is really no hard evidence... Perhaps instead of having a pop at my suggestions, you SHOULD have asked the fella if his tank had been operational and wether or not it was cycled. I...
  21. M

    Guppies V's Cichlids

    Ooooh! Naughty! Thats such a sin :hey:
  22. M

    Adding A 2nd Filter

    No problem, what do u think??
  23. M

    Can They All Fit?

    OK, DOUBLE CRYSTAL CLEAR... When he takes the fish back to the shop, he should get neons etc.. im assuming that from what he has written about "learning his lesson" when his first couple of "batches" of fish died, that his tank is now cycled... Now, where were we... :X It just seems as if you...
  24. M

    Where Should I Be?

    Cyprinids me thinks! :X
  25. M

    New To This:

    Well i think if i were you, i would be starting off with the likes of neons (these were the first fish i had in my first tank, which was a 60 litre, they went in as soon as it had cycled - no problems) or platys, something small - that stays small! Clowns grow way too big for your tank & so do...
  26. M

    Help! Cloudy Water In New Tank!

    Yes Tetra kits rule, i bought a Tetra pH kit the other day and it was £6.00 and i think its well worth the extra quid or 2! :thumbs: P.S. I dont think your pH has much to do with your water being cloudy anyway... i am always willing to be corrected though!
  27. M

    Clown Loach Pale, Stressed After Water Change

    I would recommend one thing if your fish ever apperar stressed after a water change/clean etc... LIGHTS OUT (in the tank and in the room) - It works a treat!!!! :thumbs:
  28. M

    Question On Vid About My Tank

    Looks ok to me, nice tank!
  29. M

    Water Conditioner

    As far as i know i dont think u can really overdose on this kinda stuff... Unless youre being really silly. i.e 20 gallons of it into a 25 gallon tank... You get my drift? Anyone else confirm?? :X
  30. M

    Adding A 2nd Filter

    :hey: never thought of that...
  31. M

    Water Change Advice

    Yeah we always want an easier way of doing things Sam... I agree with you, its not laziness, jus one of those things to make life a little easier :thumbs:
  32. M

    Water Change Advice

    I was thinking our tap water would be colder too, but dont know for sure! How many litres do you take out at your change??
  33. M

    Does Anyone......................

    Sometimes. Then i jus come on here and that makes me feel better! :thumbs:
  34. M

    Wadda You Think?

    Does it look good? Yes :D Would i buy one? No :crazy:
  35. M

    Adding A 2nd Filter

    Thanks for all your help - now i gotta get saving the pennies :hey:
  36. M

    Adding A 2nd Filter

    hello? anybody out there???? :blink:
  37. M

    Help With Worms

    Pity we didnt live closer , ive got a couple of Oscars i could lend ya! :hey:
  38. M

    Whats Good For My Jd & Green Terror?

    Thanks VENOM - truely amazing, what a lovely fish, eh? Now, bballking, i read that as well, but i havent cut their heads off :blink: In saying that, you know when your fish eats, and bits of it come out their gills? Well, that happens when i feed the mealworms. So, never say never, but i...
  39. M

    Adding A 2nd Filter

    Well, your right... I probably dont need another filter, its just that my 2 Oscars are really messy and i just want things clean. Although you have answered my question, at least i cant over filter :thumbs: What does anyone else think? Am i wasting my time & ££££ adding an external filter???
  40. M

    Water Changes Water...

    Ok, its straight forward guys! Who does what??? :huh: