Water Change Advice


Fish Aficionado
Nov 27, 2005
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Addingham, West Yorks (Near Leeds/Bradford)
sorry to make another water change thread but i wanna get on and do one now before i go out so i need the answers ASAP.

normally i run back and forwards between the tap and sink with a bucket each time making sure the temp in my bucket matches the temp of my tank.

as you can imagine, this takes ages on my 80G tank and after reading the water change thread am i right in saying i can jus refill the tank using the hose?

the reason i made a seperate thread is cos i can imagine the outside tap water we have here in the UK is a damn site colder than in most places that people come from on here.

i have 2 x 300 w heaters in my tank and if i ran the water back in really slowly from the hose, would my fish be ok and the heaters keep up with the temp drop?

i want to be sure cos im not losing or causing illness in my tank becuase of this!

thanx for any replies!

EDIT - jus checked and the tap water comes out at a rather chilly 8 degrees!!
I was thinking our tap water would be colder too, but dont know for sure! How many litres do you take out at your change??
If you are not changing to much water, and you are not altering the temp to much the coldwater should be fine, but don't alter the temp anymore than 2 degrees.
it depends on a couple things. How much water you are planning on changing, how slowly will you refill your tank and what type of fish do you have. Lots of fresh water fish do not appreciate a sudden change in the temperature it will lower their immune system most likely resulting in ich or some other parasite.
Hi SamUK, have you heard about Python hose. It is a hose that attaches to your tap. You can mix your cold and hot water to match the temperature in our tank. Python water changers will also drain your tank from the sink. You won't have to use any buckets to remove or replace any water from your tank. Here is a link to a description of a Python water changer.
wouldnt try it if your heater is doing to much work it might blow the way you have been doing it is about the best way. STOP BEING LAZY.
thats what i thought.

20% is about 60 litres which i reckon is too much isnt it?

i bought my bin today so ill jus fill that, chuck a heater in and let it warm up, then i can keep everyone happy.

wouldnt try it if your heater is doing to much work it might blow the way you have been doing it is about the best way. STOP BEING LAZY.

cheaky s**t

i wasnt being lazy anyway, ive been doing water changes the hard way for a couple of years.

jus read the other thread and wanted to know if i can do it quicker!

Hi SamUK, have you heard about Python hose. It is a hose that attaches to your tap. You can mix your cold and hot water to match the temperature in our tank. Python water changers will also drain your tank from the sink. You won't have to use any buckets to remove or replace any water from your tank. Here is a link to a description of a Python water changer.

thanx dude.

ive read you cant get them here in the UK and we have a pretty dodgy tap so im not sure it woulld connect.

ill have to take a look at a DIY one and see if i can make it work!
thats what i thought.

20% is about 60 litres which i reckon is too much isnt it?

i bought my bin today so ill jus fill that, chuck a heater in and let it warm up, then i can keep everyone happy.

wouldnt try it if your heater is doing to much work it might blow the way you have been doing it is about the best way. STOP BEING LAZY.

cheaky s**t

i wasnt being lazy anyway, ive been doing water changes the hard way for a couple of years.

jus read the other thread and wanted to know if i can do it quicker!
Yeah we always want an easier way of doing things Sam... I agree with you, its not laziness, jus one of those things to make life a little easier :thumbs:
thanx, glad someone does!

i have 3 tanks too, all of a fair size so its definately time consuming.

and before the poster comes bak and says well u shudnt have tanks if you dont have the time....

dont bother :p
sorry bout the lazy crack but it was what everyone was thinking i just said it :D

sorry bout the lazy crack but it was what everyone was thinking i just said it :D
Take no notice of him samuk.
we fill from the cold tap Via a phthon...

If you work it out even with the cold water at 8deg... (odly that is the same as ours is at the moment)

80% at 26deg and 20% at 8deg the temp will drop to about 23deg for a short period of time.

the fish will be fine and the heater will soon bring it up to temperature.
we add declorinator to the tank, turn off the filter and fill it up :)

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