Adding A 2nd Filter


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Jan 1, 2006
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Well i have a Juwel vision 260l tank. Cycled and all that complete with fish. Now im thinking about adding an external filter to co-operate with my internal "factory" Juwel filter. Trouble is, do i buy the external filter to the specification that it needs to be sufficent to filter aquariums up to 300 litres, saying as i already have a filter??

Then that would leave me with 2 filters one internal & 1 external both capable of filtering aquariums up to 300l...? Gee, sorry that took so long, but does anyone know what i mean?? :unsure:
Why do you need another filter ? If you REALLY do, then go for one that will do the job on its own, you never know, the original can (and will) pack up eventually, so why not ?
You cant "over filter"...
Why do you need another filter ? If you REALLY do, then go for one that will do the job on its own, you never know, the original can (and will) pack up eventually, so why not ?
You cant "over filter"...
Well, your right... I probably dont need another filter, its just that my 2 Oscars are really messy and i just want things clean. Although you have answered my question, at least i cant over filter :thumbs: What does anyone else think? Am i wasting my time & ££££ adding an external filter???
I think that having a second filter is very sensible especially with Oscars that are very messy fish.

How big you want to go with your external is up to you. You can either go for something fairly small that will just supplement your Juwel filter or go for an external large enough for the whole tank, but turn the output of the filter down.

Personally I would go with a larger external and turn the output down a bit probably. You can't go wrong with the Eheim professional range of externals if it's within your budget.

I'd go for a filter that could handle 260L so if for any reason the other fails or you want to remove it, you can. I've done something like it as I had an undergravel filter running that I'm not entirely happy with so I've added an Eheim (very nice!) internal filter thats running alongside. Once it's been running for four weeks the undergravel filter will be coming out.
Thanks for all your help - now i gotta get saving the pennies :hey:
it's also a good idea because if you want to start up another tank at any point in time... you'll already have a filter that's cycled for it ! :)
I'd go for a filter that could handle 260L so if for any reason the other fails or you want to remove it, you can. I've done something like it as I had an undergravel filter running that I'm not entirely happy with so I've added an Eheim (very nice!) internal filter thats running alongside. Once it's been running for four weeks the undergravel filter will be coming out.
You could remove the undergravel filter now because it has no bacteria in it, right now your gravel is the thing holding your beneficial bateria.

Sorry to hi-jack your thread monkeyman
Well if you feel that the current filter isn't doing its job and you've been getting not so good water results then you should get it but if you wanted to run both together for as long as they work then I would get a filter that can filter the size tank you have then turn the flow rate down so their wouldn't be as much current.

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